The Living and Learning Organization – May Focus
/in NEWSLETTER /by Michael Soulé“We shape our buildings. Thereafter they shape us.” This is equally true of organizational structures. We create our organizations out of our vision, values and relationships, and thereafter, they shape us in our development. So how does one work within an organization to create and sustain healthy development? A first step in understanding this process requires developing an imagination about living organizations.
Waldorf Tuition: Gift or Investment or Something In Between?
/in NEWSLETTER /by Michael SouléStrong gusts of wind drive sheets of rain against the rhythmically moving windshield wipers as Brenda and I drive from Cambridge to Lexington. We are going to an open meeting at the Lexington Waldorf School to discuss school finances. The meeting is to be chaired by the president of the Board, and in attendance to answer […]
Funding for Australian Steiner Schools: Benefits, Challenges and Lessons of Government Support
/in NEWSLETTER /by Michael SouléIn this essay by the Head of the Steiner Education Assn. in Australia, Tracey Puckeridge discusses the funding structure of Australian Steiner schools and offers an assessment of the benefits, drawbacks and practical realities of the current government funding for Steiner Schools. Government funding for Steiner and other independent schools in Australia has been available […]
The Free Education Group at Michael Hall School in England : 1977-80
/in NEWSLETTER /by Michael SouléIt was the late 1970’s and a number of us with children at Michael Hall, a well- established Waldorf school in Forest Row, Sussex, had an intense interest in Steiner’s social and economic ideas. We wanted to get away from the fee for service model of set tuitions and began talking to the faculty and […]
The Art of Facilitation and Meeting with Soul
/in RESOURCES, Uncategorized /by Michael SouléThe Art of Meetings and Facilitation Guidebook Updated November 2024 This guidebook was created by Leading with Spirit to support individuals and groups in Waldorf Communities in improving their meetings and meeting culture. It is part of Leading with Spirit’s work to provide workshops, training, and resources to Waldorf School […]
Facilitator’s Guide to Participatory Decision Making
/in NEWSLETTER, RESOURCES /by Michael SouléFacilitators Guide to Participatory Decision-Making
Handbook for Waldorf School Trustees, Leading with Spirit
/in Uncategorized /by Michael SouléThe GUIDEBOOK FOR HEALTHY BOARD DEVELOPMENT
Navigating Leadership Transitions, a compilation of guidelines from LWS
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléLeading with Spirit How to Navigate and Manage Successful Transitions Life is constantly in transition and organizations reflect this. The dynamics of transitions, especially abrupt or unforeseen/unplanned changes in leadership positions, require conscious attention to an array of factors. The following article outlines some key areas that are helpful to consider in moving through and […]
Deepening Our Work Together, K Jefferson
/in RESOURCES, Uncategorized /by Michael SouléThis booklet was written by Keith Jefferson (Themba Sadiki) while working at the Seattle Waldorf School in 1986. Keith/Themba was a class teacher, talented social development thinker, and creative influencer at the school. Deepening Our Work Together notes by K Jefferson
Returning to a Renewed Community Life in Our Schools – Lisa Mahar
/in IN FOCUS, NEWS, NEWSLETTER, RESOURCES /by Michael SouléReturning to a Renewed Community Life in Our Schools: Four Keys to help regain Vibrance Lisa Mahar is a co-director of the Art of Administration summer training program of Leading with Spirit., offering week-long administrative training focused on the foundations of Waldorf education, explorations in school governance, school communication, meeting facilitation, roles and responsibilities, […]
Finding Strength in Spirit: Growing Hope
/in HIGHLIGHTS, RESOURCES /by Michael SouléFinding Strength in Spirit during Challenging Times Like everyone, we at Leading with Spirit are finding these days to be challenging. The rhythms of our lives have been disrupted, and the events unfolding around the world can easily lead us into a kind of despair. It feels at times that there is little we can […]
Summer 2020 Leadership Training Course West Coast
/in Uncategorized /by Michael SouléLWS draft FLYER 2020 WI FINAL 2.0
Summer 2020 Leadership Training Course East Coast
/in Uncategorized /by Michael SouléLWS Draft FLYER 2020 HV FINAL 2.0
When In Wilderness: Applying wilderness wisdom to navigating the current pandemic
/in Uncategorized /by Michael SouléBy Karl Johnson M.A. Our present situation with the novel coronavirus has thrust us all into new terrains - a wilderness of uncertainty. When that happens, it’s easy to feel disorientation and even trepidation - especially if one is unaccustomed to traversing such terrains. The complexity of wild environments and shifting variables, such as […]
Working Together Digitally and Staying Whole
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléWorking Together Digitally and Staying Whole by Michael Soule Almost overnight, there has been a significant shift towards the use of screen technology as a primary means of communication. While this technology is not new, social distancing has brought us into a new level of dependency on it. As a consequence, many people are […]
All Resources
/in Uncategorized /by Michael SouléLove, Power and Wisdom
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléThis article about the balance between power, wisdom, and love is especially relevant in this season and at this time in the world. While Steiner's terminology is fairly esoteric (he gives names to spiritual beings behind the impulses of love, power, and wisdom), the essential ideas illuminate how in this age we are given the […]
The Art of Facilitation Newsletter, Intro
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléLeading with Spirit Facilitating Meetings Waldorf schools, like many modern organizations, have a culture of collaboration in which much of the work, decision making and planning happens in meetings. How these meetings are planned, prepared for, conducted and followed are essential to the ability of the coworkers to get things done, learn as they go […]
Love and its Meaning in the World, A lecture by Rudolf Steiner, Dec 1912
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléINTRODUCTORY REMARKS The following lecture was given by Rudolf Steiner to an audience familiar with the general background of his anthroposophical teachings. He constantly emphasized the distinction between his written works and reports of lectures which were given as oral communications and were not originally intended for print. It should also be remembered that certain […]
The Threefold Social Organism and Collaborative Leadership, a lecture by Jessica Ziegler
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléThreefold Social Organism in Organizations: The Responsibilities of Collaborative Leadership Jessica Heffernan Ziegler 2017 AWSNA Conference June 27, 2017 What I would like to do this morning is offer a framework for understanding and working collaboratively within our organizations. I will not be proposing any specific leadership model or structure per se – each school […]
Between Our Demons and Our Gods: Human Encounter in the Light of Anthroposophy – Elan Leibner
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléBetween Our Demons and Our Gods Human Encounter in the Light of Anthroposophy Elan Leibner AWSNA Summer Conference June 26, 2017 When Melanie Reiser asked me if I would speak at the opening of this conference, she read me AWSNA’s Shared Principle #7. It begins with the words “Waldorf schools are self-administered. This work is […]
Institutions of the Spiritual Life, B. Lievegoed
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléLievegoed-Spiritual-Organization-Booklet-final
New Impulses in Waldorf School Administration, Leadership and Governance, M Soule and M Stewart
/in IN FOCUS, RESOURCES, Uncategorized /by Michael SouléLeading with Spirit Sensing a new impulse in leadership and governance of Waldorf Schools We are entering a new phase in the development of Waldorf education in North America: the relationship between the administrative work and the pedagogical work of the school is changing. We can see the signs that the old imagination of what […]
Highlight 2, 8-25-2014 The Phases of Development in Spiritual Organizations
/in HIGHLIGHTS, IN FOCUS, RESOURCES /by Michael SouléDear Colleagues What are the natural developmental phases of spiritually based communities and organizations? Bernard Lievegoed, one of the leaders of organizational development work and long-time Director of the Anthroposophical Training Organization, NPI, in Holland, wrote “ The Developing Organization" in 1973. In 1988 he offered a new booklet to clarify his thoughts about the […]
Highlight #18 Leading With Spirit Administrative Training Summer 2016
/in Uncategorized /by Michael SouléHighlight 17, Enlivening Spaces
/in Uncategorized /by Michael SouléDear Friends, When I get going too fast at work (every May in fact!), it becomes difficult to keep my desk and the spaces around me tidy. Things piles up faster than I can put them into their place, or create new places for ones that need places. I am aware of an increasing tension […]
A New Image of Waldorf School Organization – M Soule
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléA new imagination of organizational form and function in a Waldorf school Summary After years of working in and with Waldorf schools, I have found that the imaginative thinking about the governance and organizational structure of a school is key to the school having a wholeness. Since each school is independent and unique, and is […]
Where the Spirit Leads – the Evolution of Waldorf School Administration
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléSocial Development Insights of Rudolf Steiner in Waldorf School Administration and the new Leading with Spirit Training program starting this summer. (In this essay, Michael Soule and his colleagues in the Leading with Spirit training program, discuss the evolution of both the role of the administrator and Rudolf Steiner’s social ideas in Waldorf School’s in […]
Management and Governance – Dianna Bell
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléManagement vs Governance – It’s Not That Easy WRITTEN BY DIANNE BALL - NOVEMBER 3, 2010 Estimated read time: 4 minutes ( Editor note: This article describes the three possible modes of board work in an organization. It assumes the role of CEO and a hierarchical structure that are not common in Waldorf schools. But the concept of […]
Good Governance Checklist from CWP
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléGOOD GOVERNANCE: THE ESSENTIAL CHECKLIST Based on and adapted from Capacity Waterloo Region on the internet Editor's note (I especially like this checklist more than others because it emphasizes attention to overlaps that normally cause problems in Waldorf schools. You can certainly adapt it for your use. As with all checklists, it is a good place […]
Policy Governance Introduction by John and Miriam Carver
/in RESOURCES, Uncategorized /by Michael SouléCarver's Policy Governance® Model in Nonprofit Organizations by John Carver and Miriam Carver Over the last decade or two, there has been increasing interest in the composition, conduct, and decision-making of nonprofit governing boards. The board-staff relationship has been at the center of the discussion, but trustee characteristics, board role in planning and evaluation, […]
Renewing Governance
/in NEWSLETTER, RESOURCES /by Michael SouléRenewing Governance More and more organizations are seeking to find new governance structures and practices that support a balance between individual creativity and organizational harmony and effectiveness. This was the case 100 years ago when the first Waldorf School was founded. In the past 100 years, we have had the benefit of a great deal […]
Understanding Governance by Michael Soule
/in NEWSLETTER, RESOURCES /by Michael SouléUnderstanding Governance by Michael Soule Every organization struggles with the question of how to establish and maintain good governance. Even the definition of governance can be a challenge. Just like the descriptors “environmental” or “sustainable” can mean different things, so too can the term “governance”. Nevertheless, we as leaders must constantly strive to understand […]
Governance Models, An Essay by Nathan Garber with Reflections by Michael Soule
/in NEWSLETTER, RESOURCES /by Michael SouléReflections on Nathan Garber’s Article on Governance Models The article below by Nathan Garber is a good review and summary of the basic typical models of governance in organizations and the role that boards play in the different models. In Waldorf schools, there are many variations of governance models with most following a variation on […]
Self Administration and Governance in Waldorf Schools, Chris Schaefer
/in NEWSLETTER, Uncategorized /by Michael SouléIII Self-Administration and Governance in Waldorf Schools Seek the real practical life but seek it in a way that does not blind you to the spirit working in it. Seek the spirit but do not seek it out of spiritual egoism, from spiritual greed, but look for it because you want to apply […]
Personal Reflections on Waldorf School Governance and Effective Practices, Lynn Kern
/in NEWSLETTER, RESOURCES /by Michael SouléPersonal Reflections on Governance: The Eleven Keys to Success Lynn Kern The research into School Governance is one of the most widely anticipated topics in the long history of the Effective Practices research project. Schools have been struggling with the questions of how best to organize themselves and manage their affairs so […]
Identity and Governance, An essay by Jon McAlice
/in NEWSLETTER, RESOURCES /by Michael SouléIt is a rare school that does not struggle with questions of governance at some point in its life. Today, many schools find themselves in the midst of such struggles. To some extent, these struggles revolve around questions of authority, questions that at their worst spiral downward into struggles for power, or they reflect a […]
More Governance Resources
/in NEWSLETTER, RESOURCES /by Michael SouléMore Governance Resources We mentioned above the importance of understanding the differences between management and governance. There are a number of good articles about these differences but this one seems to make it simple enough and useful enough to provide insights when we want to understand governance in a deeper way. Another good article […]
Enlivening Spaces by Michael Soule
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléWhat do you do when your work space gets messy or cluttered? Are there times when you find yourself unable to concentrate at work? How we tend to the spaces around us has a definite effect on our ability to think and to work and on how other people feel and experience our space. Cleaner, […]
Holocracy: A new model for collaborative organization
/in Uncategorized /by Michael SouléHere is a good introduction to Holocracy Watch the intro video
School as Living Entity, ebook by Rea Gill
/in RESOURCES, Uncategorized /by Michael SouléClick here for School as a Living Entity by Rea Gill
Principles of a Learning Organization, Five Disciplines, Senge
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléSummary of the Five Disciplines of a Learning Organization by Rea Gill Detailed in The Fifth Discipline by Peter Senge (1994) 1 Systems Thinking Senge (1994) describes systems thinking as a “discipline that involves approaching problem solving and addressing issues, not by focusing on isolated events or parts of the whole but rather […]
Basic Principles of a Living Organization, by Rea Gill
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléBasic Principles of a Living Organization by Rea Gill There are two major challenges to the ongoing creative activity of an evolving organization, much like there are two elements to managing our individual lives. We have to deal within each moment and each day with what is living growing and evolving immediately before […]
Leading with Spirit Summer Leadership Workshops 2017
/in Uncategorized /by Michael SouléAnnouncing a new professional development opportunity in administration and leadership for administrators, staff, trustees, faculty and parents of Waldorf schools this summer in NY, Ann Arbor and the Pacific NW. Join us for a week intensive this summer Working Together in Community: Conversation, Teamwork, Facilitation and Decision-making Waldorf Institute of S Michigan, Ann Arbor Michigan, July […]
Chaos in Life: Cleaning and Caring by Linda Thomas
/in RESOURCES, Uncategorized /by Michael SouléThis article was published in the British journal, Kindling. Contact information is at the end of the article. Chaos in everyday life – about cleaning and caring Linda Thomas When it comes to housekeeping, the concepts of disorder and chaos often get confused. In our households, order is often related to a certain […]
Redefining Accountability and Transparency: LeadTogether Highlight #15 3-15-15
/in HIGHLIGHTS, RESOURCES /by Michael SouléUnderstanding and Redefining Transparency and Accountability If I had a nickel for every time someone said the phrase, “We need more accountability and transparency in our school!” I could buy a lot of lattes for my wife! Instead I am launching a campaign to rid our organizations of both words. I can’t remember when either […]
Exploring Accountability: An Introduction
/in IN FOCUS, NEWS, NEWSLETTER /by Michael SouléThis newsletter focuses on accountability. It is a topic of conversation and a concern, not only in every Waldorf School, but also in every organization today. Most of the books, articles and essays connect accountability to improving performance and outline processes to help individuals or groups become more accountable by setting clear goals, having clear roles and responsibilities, having systems to evaluate employee performance, giving people incentives, and creating clear consequences when individuals fall short of goals. All of these suggestions can be useful in certain situations, but they fall short of being helpful to those of us working in highly collaborative horizontal organizations.
Accountability, the Individual and Integrity
/in NEWSLETTER /by Michael SouléThere are two kinds of accountability in an organization – individual and organizational – and while they are related and stem from the same question of whether we are doing what we said we would do, there are fundamental differences that make it useful to explore them separately. Ultimately they are both connected to questions of congruence and integrity. For the individual, integrity is an inner question. For an organization, integrity is more of a social question that lies in the ways people in the organization treat one another and how they work together to serve the organization’s mission.
Six Principles for Building Accountability and Agreements in an Organization, Michael Soule
/in IN FOCUS, NEWS, NEWSLETTER /by Michael SouléIn the history of Waldorf education and of organizational development in general, communities and organizations move through phases of development from the unconscious, implicit and intuitive to the more conscious, explicit and objective. In all the phases of development, the way in which people form and renew agreements is key to accountability throughout the organization.
Members of a small school just getting started, for example, do not usually have the inclination or the time to define everything in detail. In a pioneer initiative, where many things are done together and the group is finding its way, agreements are often unconscious or in response to emerging situations.
Managing Horizontal Accountability, Ray and Elder, IPC
/in IN FOCUS, NEWS, NEWSLETTER /by Michael SouléTo understand horizontal accountability (HA), it is easier to begin with its absence. When there is little or no horizontal accountability in an organization, people tend to engage in blame, finger pointing, passing the buck and conflict avoidance. To the degree that these are present in an organization, horizontal accountability doesn’t exist.
Most organizations have strong vertical accountability. That is, accountability to management and the chain of command, but that tends to ensure compliance rather than commitment and goal focus. It also does little to address the flow of communication and interaction between those who do the work.
Horizontal accountability can be defined as the degree to which people communicate across the organization, problem solve with all employees and teams, and build accountability for superior outcomes. Horizontal accountability creates trust between employees and management.
Organizational Accountability: One World Trust and GAP
/in IN FOCUS, NEWS, NEWSLETTER /by Michael SouléAccountability is a nebulous concept subject to multiple interpretations and understandings: it means different things to different people. According to traditional conceptions, an accountability relationship exists when a principal delegates authority to an agent to act in their interests. Central to this view is that only those with formal authority over an agent – those that have delegated authority to it – have the right to claim accountability. This approach is often used to conceptualise the accountability relationship between politicians and the electorate, or company directors and shareholders. Within this traditional view, holding an agent to account requires clearly defined roles and responsibilities, regular reporting and monitoring of behaviour against these roles, and the ability for principals to impose sanctions for breaches of responsibilities. Accountability is largely seen as an end stage activity where judgement is passed on results and actions already taken.
Faithfulness by Rudolf Steiner
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléFaithfulness “Let your loyalty to another human being come about in this way: there will be moments — quickly passing by — when he will seem to you filled and illumined by the true, primal image of his spirit. Then can come, yes, will come, long stretches of time when your fellow-being seems clouded, even darkened. […]
Performance Management
/in IN FOCUS, NEWS, NEWSLETTER /by Michael SouléHow does performance management work in a self-managed context? In Orange Organizations, it’s the role of bosses to keep the pressure on employees and to prevent them from slacking off. Top management sets ambitious targets in the company’s yearly budgets and mid-term plans, and these targets then cascade down the organization. It’s part of a leader’s role to always challenge subordinates to do more, to do it faster, to do it cheaper.
In self-managing organizations that have no managers to keep up the pressure, what prevents teams from getting complacent? The short answer: intrinsic motivation, calibrated by peer emulation and market demands.
The Art of Handling Complaints: LeadTogether Highlight #14 1-20-15
/in HIGHLIGHTS, RESOURCES /by Michael SouléDear Friends, Last week our school completed work on a new grievance policy. In our discussions we explored what constitutes a grievance, what is the difference between a grievance and a complaint, and what principles should guide us in dealing with them. We came to a simple definition that a grievance is a formal complaint […]
The Art of Being A Mentor by M Soule
/in NEWSLETTER, RESOURCES /by Michael SouléA good mentor is one who can help his/her advisee develop as a teacher and to find his/her way to manage and master the tasks of teaching, including working with the students, parents, curriculum and school. Because all development is self-development, a successful mentor also needs to help his/her advisee develop the capacity for self-reflection […]
Mentoring: From Observation to Conversation by Holly Koteen Soule from NW Mentorship Seminar
/in NEWSLETTER, RESOURCES /by Michael SouléThese notes are the result of discussions among colleagues in the mentoring seminar held by Sound Circle Center in 2011. We explored three steps in the mentoring process – the observation, the inner work of the mentor in processing the observation, and the conversation between the advisee and mentor. OBSERVATION Acknowledge the inevitable separation between […]
Five Strategies for Mentors, from Working Wisdom by Robert Aubrey
/in NEWSLETTER, RESOURCES /by Michael SouléIn the book, Working Wisdom, Robert Aubrey outlines five key aspects of the work of mentors. We have borrowed Aubrey’s strategies and annotated them for relevance in mentoring teachers. -ms- Accompany The basis of good mentoring is the commitment of the mentor to be aware of and support the teacher on their path of development. […]
Goethean Observation: Two Articles by Craig Holdrege
/in NEWSLETTER, RESOURCES /by Michael SouléSeeing Nature Whole — A Goethean Approach An article and resources from Craig Holdrege and The Nature Institute If we want to attain a living understanding of nature, we must become as flexible and mobile as nature herself. - Goethe Many of us were introduced to biology — the science of life — by dissecting frogs, […]
More Mentoring Resources 2
/in NEWSLETTER, RESOURCES /by Michael SouléThere are a lot of resources in the business and education world relating to mentoring. We have tried to capture most of the core principles in the articles in this and the last newsletter. Along with the three pieces below, check out the 26 resources in our resource library. “Light in the Soul” from More […]
“Light in the Soul“ from More Precious Than Light by Margreet Van Den Brink
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléWhat actually happens to us when we hold conversations and relate to each other in this way? In order to understand this, it is necessary to know a little more how the soul works and how the spirit self develops in this. Our soul consists of three separate layers of consciousness that developed one after […]
Mentoring and Coaching: 25 differences
/in RESOURCES /by Michael Soulé25 Ways that Mentoring and Coaching are different almost there, just click on the title above.
Complaints: LeadTogether Highlight #14, 1-13-15
/in HIGHLIGHTS /by Michael SouléDear Friends, Last week our school completed work on a new grievance policy. In our discussions we explored what constitutes a grievance, what is the difference between a grievance and a complaint, and what principles are Through this I discovered a few core principles for dealing with complaints in general and there are ones specific […]
Complaint Assessment Checklist from One World Trust
/1 Comment/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléComplaint and response procedures A self-assessment questionnaire for your organization Variations on the checklist below have been used by different organizations in the process of setting up a complaint and response procedure. It has been adapted from relevant work undertaken by the One World Trust and the Charity Commission. The questionnaire is meant to be used […]
The Art of Fruitful Conversation, Griset and Raymond, WECAN
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléThe Art of Fruitful Conversation Carol Nasr Griset and Kim Raymond From Chapter Six of Mentoring in Waldorf Early Childhood Education, WECAN Publications, 2007. “What is more splendid than gold?” “Light.” “What is more refreshing than light?” “Conversation.” (Goethe, “The Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily”) When we think of conversation, we […]
Mentor in Greek Mythology
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléIn Greek mythology, Mentor was the son of Heracles and Asopis. In his old age Mentor was a friend of Odysseus, who had placed Mentor and Odysseus' foster-brother Eumaeus in charge of his son Telemachus, and of Odysseus' palace, when Odysseus left for the Trojan War. The first recorded modern usage of the term can be traced to a 1699 book entitled Les Aventures de Télémaque, by the French writer François Fénelon. In the book the lead character is that of Mentor. This book was very popular during the 18th century and the modern application of the term can be traced to this publication.
Mentoring: Key Aspects for a Successful School Mentoring Program
/in IN FOCUS, NEWS, NEWSLETTER /by Michael SouléMentoring is essential to a school’s success. After leading seminars for 6 years on mentoring, we have identified some key aspects that will help everyone:
1. Assign a person to coordinate the mentoring work in the school.
Like in any activity in the organization, without a person leading and coordinating it, it has a slim chance of being effective or successful. Choose someone who has successful teaching experience, some experience with mentoring, and leadership skills.
2. Get clear about the difference between mentoring, peer support and evaluation.
Mentoring is a professional relationship where an experienced teacher coaches a less experienced teacher to help them improve their teaching, collegial and parent work.
Mentoring an Untrained Teacher
/in IN FOCUS, NEWS, NEWSLETTER /by Michael SouléIn a recent conversation about mentoring with my long-time colleague Nettie Fabrie from Sound Circle Center who is the Pedagogical Dean of the Seattle Waldorf School, I posed a question about mentoring a new and untrained teacher and she shared with me an important thought about mentoring new teachers in general.
She asked me, “Has this teacher gone through a teacher training or preparation course? If not then one needs to take a different route in mentoring this teacher. One needs to develop a support program for the teacher that looks more like training than mentoring.”
Mentoring in Waldorf Early Childhood Education, WECAN
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléAbout mentoring . . . to begin with . . . Mentoring is a collegial relationship which contributes to the personal and professional development of both the mentor and the student, teacher, or caregiver being mentored (called the “mentee” in this handbook). Mentoring is a process of mutual adult learning. The mentor, an experienced teacher, […]
Working Together: An Introduction to Pedagogical Mentoring
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléWORKING TOGETHER: AN INTRODUCTION TO PEDAGOGICAL MENTORING Table of Contents Foreword . . . 7 Introduction . . . . 11 Considerations for Schools . . . 15 An Example of Mentoring […]
Alignment: LeadTogether Highlight #12 11-24-14
/in HIGHLIGHTS, RESOURCES /by Michael SouléAlignment: LeadTogether Highlight #12 Alignment is an important element in any organization, school or business. How people are aligned with the whole of the organization and understand both how the parts work together and how they can be successful in the parts and the whole is vital to the ongoing success of any organization. More […]
Positivity: LeadTogether Highlight #13 12-1-14
/in HIGHLIGHTS, RESOURCES /by Michael SouléPositivity: LeadTogether Highlight #13 12-1-14 Dear Friends, While researching the current newsletter on Mentoring, I found an article on the practice of Appreciative Inquiry. Developed as an idea to help consultants for organizations take a path away from looking for what is wrong to looking for and building on what is right, Appreciative Inquiry is […]
Appreciative Inquiry, an introduction
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléAI-a-Transformative-Paradigm
The Six Basic Exercises for Esoteric Development by Rudolf Steiner
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléThe Six Exercises for Basic Esoteric Development of Rudolf Steiner Rudolf Steiner gave six exercises which are fundamental to his meditative work. No. 1 - The Control of Thought The first exercise has to do with the control of thinking. It is designed to keep our minds from wandering, to focus them, in order to […]
Transitions Handbook for New Teachers, short form, Teacher Education Network, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléNavigating the Transition: A Guide for Welcoming New Teachers Supporting Your New Teacher AWSNA (click here for a pdf version) Table of Contents A. Introduction B. About your new teacher – their background and experience C. Supporting your new teacher – things beyond mentoring D. Mentoring your new teacher – ideas and guidelines Introduction The […]
Transitions Handbook for New Teachers, Teacher Education Network, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléNavigating the Transition: A Handbook for Welcoming New Teachers (click here for a pdf version) A Handbook for Schools Welcoming a New Teacher from A Teacher Education Institute AWSNA Table of Contents A. Introduction B. The Teacher Education Program – What your new teacher has studied C. The Teacher Education Program – Teaching Practicum D. Orienting […]
Mentor Qualifications and Scheduling, AWSNA Effective Practices
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléMentor Qualifications and Scheduling From AWSNA Effective Practices at Mentoring and Renewal – Section 2 1. How are mentors assigned? In what way does our school match the needs of a teacher or staff member with the skills possessed by a mentor? 2. How does your school ensure that the mentor has sufficient experience […]
Evaluations and Mentoring, ASWNA Effective Practices
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléEvaluations and Mentoring From AWSNA Effective Practices at Mentoring and Renewal – Section 4 1. Is the school’s evaluation process separate from the mentoring program, or do mentors also serve as evaluators? 2. In what ways is the distinction between mentorship and evaluation made clear to all personnel? 3. Are mentors required to report […]
The Mentoring Program, AWSNA Effective Practices
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléThe Mentoring Program From AWSNA Effective Practices at Mentoring and Renewal – Section 1 1. Which person or group in the school holds the responsibility for the mentoring and renewal program for faculty and staff? 2. How does the mentoring program work as part of the school’s complete development plan for its employees? Describe […]
School Mentoring Program Assessment Form, Sound Circle Mentoring Seminar 2008
/in IN FOCUS, NEWS, NEWSLETTER /by Michael SouléThis form is intended to help schools develop their capacity for assessing the mentorship program in their school and identify strengths and areas where improvements are needed. This form is a tool in development.
1. The Mentoring Program + - +/- Successes & Areas Needing Improvement
a. The mentoring program at the school is one part of a complete professional development plan, which includes mentorship, peer mentorship and evaluation.
b. The program provides mentoring for new teachers.
c. The program provides mentoring for all teachers, appropriate to their level of experience.
Mentoring a New Teacher from Transitions Handbook, Teacher Education Network, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléMentoring a New Teacher Transitions Handbook, Teacher Education Network, AWSNA The mentoring of a new teacher is essential in supporting a newly trained teacher in the process of moving from being a teacher education institute graduate to a successful and happy teacher. Every new teacher needs to receive strong and attentive mentoring. The following […]
Mentoring and Evaluating Terms: Definitions and Clarifications, D Gerwin, M Soule AWSNA
/in IN FOCUS, NEWS, NEWSLETTER /by Michael SouléThe following descriptions attempt to clarify the uses of the terms relating to mentors and evaluators of individual teachers, as well as terms referring to the mentoring and evaluation of schools as a whole.
Mentoring - In-house Mentor – appointed by the school
In-house mentors are experienced teachers assigned by their schools to support a colleague (often a new teacher) in the improvement of his or her teaching. It is necessary for mentors to visit regularly to observe the students and teacher in the classroom, to meet with the teacher regularly, be available for questions and provide support to the teacher. These relationships are confidential and non-evaluative.
Mentoring: Oversight and Review of the Mentoring Program, AWSNA Effective Practices
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléOVERSIGHT AND REVIEW OF THE MENTORING PROGRAM From AWSNA Effective Practices at MENTORING SECTION 3 With what frequency is the mentoring program as a whole reviewed at your school? What are the criteria used to evaluate the program’s effectiveness? 2. In what ways does the person or group responsible for the mentoring program check […]
Alignment and Orientation: LeadTogether Highlight #12 11-24-14
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléAlignment and Orientation: LeadTogether Highlight #11 11-24-14 Alignment is an important element in any organization, school or business. How people are aligned with the whole of the organization and understand both how the parts work together and how they can be successful in the parts and the whole is vital to the ongoing success of […]
More Mentoring Resources
/in IN FOCUS, NEWS, NEWSLETTER /by Michael SouléIn 2005, after participating in a national mentoring colloquium sponsored by AWSNA, Nettie Fabrie and Michael Soule initiated a symposium for experienced teachers in Waldorf schools in the NW. The training was three years long (six weekend sessions) and involved 25 experienced teacher from 10 NW schools. After completing two three-year seminars with different participants, Nettie, Holly Koteen and Michael gathered their experience into a collection of resources to help teachers become more effective in school mentors. Here are a few of the resources we found helpful. (Just click on the title to find the resource in our library.)
Waldorf in China by Ian Johnson, The New Yorker
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléWALDORF IN CHINA: CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS Ian Johnson The New Yorker In 1994, Harry Huang and his wife, Zhang Li, were running Lily Burger, a tiny backpacker restaurant on the banks of the Jin River, in Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province. The city wasn’t yet the sprawling metropolis of seven million that it is […]
A Note from China – LeadTogether Highlight #11, 11/5/14
/in HIGHLIGHTS, RESOURCES /by Michael SouléDear Friends, This week I am in Xi'an China teaching in the Waldorf Administrative Training with Chris Schaefer and Ben Cherry. 80 participants from schools throughout China are gathered at the training center in Xi'an for a two week course in school administration, organization and development.The students are inspiring - young (only a handful in […]
Forming a Spiritual Organ in a School: LeadTogether Highlight #10, 10-27-14
/1 Comment/in RESOURCES, Uncategorized /by Michael SouléThe question of collegial leadership We had a board/faculty meeting this week, a regular event to build good relationships between the two groups. One activity we did (highly recommended) was to split into threes (one board and two teachers) and explore one of the core principles of Waldorf education developed by the Pedagogical Section Council. […]
The Virtue of Each One: LeadTogether Highlight #9 10-20-14
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléDear Colleagues, Last week our highlight focused on a central aspect of a Waldorf school, supporting the conscious development of each individual in the community. By nature, the students, parents and teachers all practice their development every day in their respective roles. But how can a community work towards supporting each person, whether they are […]
Supporting Conscious Development: LeadTogether Highlight #8 10-13-14
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléDear Colleagues, One of the things that sets a Waldorf school apart is the conscious understanding that everyone in the community is on a path of development and our development is connected with each other. The school is first and foremost a place where children are nurtured and guided in the development of their whole […]
AUTONOMY, ACCOUNTABILTY AND INTENTION: Publicly Funded Charter Schools Using Waldorf Curriculum and Methods by: George Hoffecker
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléIn the spring of 1996 I was hired to be the first on-site principal of Yuba River Charter School (YRCS) in California, the first publicly funded charter school using Waldorf methods in the country. The school, without a name at the time, was simply referred to as “the alternative charter school”. I was fortunate that […]
Engaged Community: A new book by Jon McAlice
/in RESOURCES /by Michael Soulé“All education is self-education and, as teachers, we can only provide the environment for children’s self-education...where children can educate themselves according to their own destinies.” —Rudolf Steiner (1923) Based on many years working in Anthroposophy and in Waldorf schools, and drawing extensively on Rudolf Steiner’s words, Jon McAlice’s radical, thought-provoking book opens the field […]
Leadership and Self Administration: LeadTogether Highlight #7 10-6-14
/in HIGHLIGHTS, RESOURCES /by Michael SouléDear Colleagues, How does one exercise leadership and leave colleagues free in their own development? Having some insight on this question is central to our being able to shape our schools in healthy ways. Connie Stokes, Pedagogical Chair at Highland Hall, recently shared an article from 1998 by Michael Harslem from Paideia Journal for Waldorf Education […]
Leadership and Self Administration: Michael Harslem
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléLeadership and Self-Administration--Michael Harslem--Paideia--1998
Resource List
/in Uncategorized /by Michael SouléThe Call of Michaelmas – LeadTogether #6, 9-21-14
/in HIGHLIGHTS, RESOURCES /by Michael SouléDear Colleagues, In this season of Michaelmas, we have a lot to be grateful for and a lot to stand up for. While we all strive to do our best, to reach for the highest in ourselves and to recognize and support the highest in our colleagues, students and their parents, at the same time […]
Healthy Communications in a Young School
/1 Comment/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléConversation Guidelines These are the guidelines one school works with to create healthy conversations. When things are not going well, emotions are high, and so on, it is likely that one or more of the fol- lowing is not occurring. 1. Speak from your experience only, therefore the “I.” Be clear whether you are speaking […]
Healthy Conversation, Communication and Agreements
/in NEWSLETTER /by Michael SouléWe just finished our second week of school. It is a mystery that even if everything is the same as the year before, the new year unfolds differently, usually in unexpected ways. It is an equal mystery that when one new person enters the organization or school, the whole school is changed. We all know […]
Group Moral Artistry, The Art of Goethean Conversation
/1 Comment/in NEWSLETTER /by Michael SouléConversing, as Goethe conceived it, is the art of arts. The very place in his works where the subject finds mention lets us glimpse its singular rank in his esteem. This is in a key scene of his fairy tale, The Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily. There, the four kings enthroned in the subterranean mystery temple are roused to the dawning of a new Age of Man when the serpent, made luminous by the gold she had swallowed, penetrates with her light into their dark sanctuary, and the following dialogue takes place:
Communication by Connie Starzinski, from The Art of Administration, AWSNA
/1 Comment/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléCommunication is the key element in any relationship – personal or professional. How we speak to each other, listen to each other, understand each other, determines how well we live and work together, whether it is a friendship, marriage, working relationship, parent to child relationship or teacher to child relationship. My friend and I are […]
Feedback that Works
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléA Feedback Model that Works Knowing how to create and deliver effective feedback is a key leadership skill. Effective feedback motivates the receiver to begin, continue or stop behaviors that affect performance. In addition to accomplishing its direct purpose, an effective feedback message is a self-development tool for the receiver, and it often has benefits […]
Meeting Each Other: The Human Encounter, a lecture by Heinz Zimmerman
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléDr. Zimmerman gave the opening and closing lectures of the 2005 conference to early childhood educators from 40 different countries. The following excerpt is from the end of his opening talk, where he spoke about the art of education as an art of human encounter. In early childhood education today, working together with other adults is […]
Speaking, Listening and Understanding by Heinz Zimmerman
/1 Comment/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléA review and introduction to the book All human activity, whatever the size of the community-whether in business, the family, schools, or politics-is group activity. Such group activity depends upon the ability of human beings to work together consciously in language. Speaking, Listening, Understanding is a book about group conversations, especially those intended to arrive […]
Non-Violent Communication: An Instruction Guide
/1 Comment/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléNVC Instruction Guide (Note: Much of the information in this instruction guide draws extensively from the work of Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D. as presented in his book, Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life. We strongly recommend that the best way to learn about Nonviolent Communication is to read the book and use the workbook in […]
A Sample Community Covenant
/1 Comment/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléThe following is a sample covenant for a community. It is offered not so much because it represents an ideal statement, but because it shows the elements that might be included in a covenant and how a covenant might be constructed. Each community will have its own set of inspired agreements and values. The process of clarifying those and putting them into written form is a valuable process that can strengthen a community. -ed
Personal Readiness for Collaboration
/in NEWSLETTER /by Michael SouléHow does one prepare themselves to be ready to practice healthy communication? Don Miguel Ruiz offers a list of 5 essential practices that can help anyone build a strong foundation for their work in groups.
1. Be impeccable with your word.
Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to
speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.
2. Don’t take anything personally.
Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.
3. Don’t make assumptions.
Find the courage to ask questions and….
The Art of the Apology
/in NEWSLETTER /by Michael SouléMany of our social challenges could easily be solved if only we knew how to apologize! In order to really appreciate or understand the crucial role perfect apologies can play in our daily lives it helps to understand the differences between the mistakes we make and the apologies we deliver as a result—some actions we regret, while others we are truly sorry for.
We'll begin here by describing important distinctions between mistakes and actions that elicit feelings of regret and those that expose stronger feelings of remorse. Perfect apologies should be tailored to address one or the other type of mistake, in most cases.
Regret is a rational, intelligent and, on occasion, emotional reaction to some unexpected, unintended and often costly consequence of some event or action.
Apologies that expose feelings of regret are often designed to address the consequences of actions people have taken but wish they hadn't, or actions they have not yet taken but wish they had. We usually regret the consequences of relatively minor mistakes or errors and, given the option of revisiting the decision, would probably decide to do something else.
Feedback that Works
/in NEWSLETTER /by Michael SouléKnowing how to create and deliver effective feedback is a key leadership skill. Effective feedback motivates the receiver to begin, continue or stop behaviors that affect performance. In addition to accomplishing its direct purpose, an effective feedback message is a self-development tool for the receiver, and it often has benefits for other members of the team.
Not knowing how to give feedback can easily result in messages that are hurtful, confusing, and counter-productive.
Healthy Conversation, Communication and Agreements: More Resources
/in IN FOCUS, NEWSLETTER /by Michael SouléCommunication by Connie Starzynski from the Art of Administration was written as a guide to administrators and Waldorf school leaders to shed light on the dynamics of communication of all kinds in a Waldorf school. Speaking, Listening and Understanding by Heinz Zimmerman is a book that goes deeply into the art of conversation in groups […]
Remembering Marjorie Spock: LeadTogether Highlight #5, 9-15-14
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléDear Colleagues, In doing research for the September Newsletter, I reconnected with Marjorie Spock's important booklets, "Group Moral Artistry: The Art of Community Building I and II." They have been a source of inspiration since 1986 when a colleague first shared them with me. While these little gems are available in our resource section, this week's […]
Marjorie Spock: Eurythmy, Biodynamics, Waldorf Education, Anthroposophy
/1 Comment/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléBelow are three pieces about the life and work of Marjorie Spock. Marjorie Spock (September 8, 1904, New Haven, Connecticut – January 23, 2008, Sullivan, Maine) was an environmentalist, author and poet, best known for her influence on Rachel Carson when the latter was writing Silent Spring. Spock was also a noted Waldorf teacher, eurythmist, biodynamic gardener and anthroposophist. Life Marjorie Spock was born the second child and […]
New Meeting Forms: LeadTogether Highlight #3 9-1-2014
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléDear Colleagues, In our latest newsletter we explore ways to plan and prepare for meetings. But are there different ways to meet that facilitate maximum involvement and exchange of ideas? World Café and Open Space are two relatively new ways of meeting that can do this . Here is a description of both of the meeting formats and […]
New Meeting Forms: Open Space and World Cafe
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléExcerpt from Building Regenerative Communities: Open Space and World Café. (download the whole booklet here) Open Space This is an open form of meeting where passion and responsibility are combined to empower participants by allowing agenda topics to arise from the group. A facilitator is only visible when the meeting needs re-opening. There are a […]
Building Regenerative Communities: Strength in Collaboration
/in RESOURCES, Uncategorized /by Michael SouléFrom the Introduction Our intention in creating the guide is to facilitate conversations which promote deeper understanding, trust and community within and between organizations. We feel that such interaction may lead people to discover ways to collaborate that foster associative endeavors, perhaps discovering ways to share resources to support each others work. The Guide provides […]
How Spiritual Organizations Develop – LeadTogether Highlight #4 9-8-14
/in HIGHLIGHTS, RESOURCES /by Michael SouléDear Colleagues What are the natural developmental phases of spiritually based communities and organizations? Bernard Lievegoed, one of the early leaders of organizational development work and long-time Director of the Anthroposophical Training Organization, NPI, in Holland, wrote “ The Developing Organization" in 1973 in which he outlined the phases of development of organizations. In 1988 […]
LeadTogether Highlight #2 8-25-14, Core Principles of Waldorf Education
/in HIGHLIGHTS /by Michael SouléHighlight 2, 8-25-14 Dear Colleagues What are the core principles of Waldorf Education? Members of the Pedagogical Section Council in N. America discussed this question over the past year. The result is a set of seven principles that can inform and enliven our conception of our task as teachers and school leaders. These […]
Core Principles of Waldorf Education from the PSC, 2014
/1 Comment/in HIGHLIGHTS, RESOURCES /by Michael SouléCore Principles of Waldorf Education By Pedagogical Section Council of N. America (Amended August '14) Waldorf education can be characterized as having seven core principles. Each one of them can be the subject of a life-long study. Nevertheless, they can be summarized in the following manner: Image of the Human Being: The human […]
Highlights: an Introduction Aug 18, 2014
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléDear Colleagues, We are celebrating our fifth month of LeadTogether and appreciate the positive responses we have had so far. We will be introducing a new feature this month called, Highlights, a short update of new postings, resources, training opportunities and news from organizations and schools around the world related to collaboration, leadership and organizational […]
Sustainability: Associative Economics
/in RESOURCES, Uncategorized /by Michael Soulé1. Associative Economics The idea behind associative economics arose from the work and insights of Rudolf Steiner in 1922 through his work with the first Waldorf School, and in a series of lectures on economics. Steiner’s visionary capacity brought to light a new imagination about economic life and money; that consciousness applied to the nature […]
The Basics of Consensus Decision-Making by Tim Hartnett, PhD
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléThe Basics of Consensus Decision-Making by Tim Hartnett, PhD The Principles of Consensus Decision Making Consensus decision making is a process used by groups seeking to generate widespread levels of participation and agreement. There are variations among different groups regarding the degree of agreement necessary to finalize a group decision. The process of group […]
Creating Effective Board Agendas by Judith Lindenau, JWL Associates
/1 Comment/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléTIPS FOR CREATING EFFECTIVE AGENDAS 1. At least a week before the meeting, list the topics which must to be on the agenda. Those items may include old and new business, recommendations for action, adoption of new policies. Staff and the President should set the agenda, making sure that all items are appropriate Board of […]
/in RESOURCES, Uncategorized /by Michael SouléMeeting ...there is what happens to the speaker when he is fortunate to be listened to perceptively. Another kind of miracle takes place in him, perhaps best described as a springtime burgeoning. Before his idea was expressed to a listener, it lived in his soul as potential only; it resembles a seed force lying fallow […]
Working Together to Improve Meetings
/1 Comment/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléCreating Effective Meetings – Results of a group exploration of how to make better meetings. This chart was developed years ago by a group of colleagues working on the question of how to become more conscious of the dynamics of their meetings. The process of discussing these aspects of meetings and identifying some agreements helped […]
The Art of Planning and Preparing for Meetings
/in IN FOCUS, NEWSLETTER, RESOURCES /by Michael SouléThe Art of Planning and Preparing for Meetings There are three kinds of meetings – social encounters, meetings to study and learn something, and meetings where people come together to accomplish a task. Each of these kinds of meetings has its own character, but some of the dynamics of each are present in every meeting. […]
The Art of Creating an Agenda
/in IN FOCUS, NEWSLETTER /by Michael SouléThe Art of Creating an Agenda When teachers create lesson plans, they naturally consider the rhythm of the day, the students’ capacities and their goals for the students’ growth and development. A good teacher is conscious of every little detail and aspect of the lesson. The consciousness put into planning helps the students relax, know […]
Working Together
/in IN FOCUS, NEWSLETTER /by Michael SouléWe take a mystery of life for granted, the mystery of conversation. Reflect on how an impression in your consciousness—“the beauty of a San Francisco spring morning with the fog blowing offthe Bay”— is translated into concepts and then into audible speech, involving all the complex muscles of the throat and mouth.Your friend hears these words through the membrane of the ear and understands them, internalizes your thought and then speaks.
The Artistic Meeting: Creating Space for Spirit
/1 Comment/in IN FOCUS, NEWSLETTER, RESOURCES /by Michael SouléWhen Rudolf Steiner brought together the individuals who would become the teachers of the first Waldorf School, he asked them to work in a new way, not only with the children, but also with one another. He asked them to work together in such as way as to invite the interest and guidance of spiritual beings into their endeavor.
More Resources for Creating Effective Meetings
/in IN FOCUS, NEWSLETTER, RESOURCES /by Michael SouléCreating Effective Agendas is an article offered by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Urban Affairs in Ontario, Canada that is a helpful tool covering all the essentials of good meeting planning.
Tips for Creating Board Agendas is an article specifically focused on some issues that face only boards, including the difference between policy and operations issues.
Working Together as a Group to Improve your Meetings is a chart of insights and helpful tips developed by a group of colleagues years ago when they decided to try to improve their meetings.
Using Consensus to Enlighten, Not Limit, Decision Making
/in IN FOCUS, NEWSLETTER /by Michael SouléThis month’s newsletter focuses on the art of decision-making and particularly the practice of consensus decision-making.
The lead article was written in response to three recent conversations we had with various board members. In one, a colleague asked: “As a new board member, I hear consensus referred to but I don’t really understand what it means. None of our board members has much experience or training in consensus. How do we know when we should push through to consensus or when a majority vote is appropriate?”
Making Good Decisions
/in IN FOCUS, NEWSLETTER /by Michael SouléWhen a faculty or board needs to make decision of major significance, how does the group assure that the decision is well considered and supported by everyone who needs to be involved?
Shared decision making can be a challenging area for a Waldorf school. It involves building agreement for decisions and creating clarity around decision making authority and processes.
A good decision is the result of both having the organizational culture and structure that supports timely and thorough processes, and assuring that various groups and individuals, who have the authority to make decisions in their respective areas, understand and follow those processes.
Here and in the following articles, we explore just what makes it successful:
Decide before you decide.
Know your tools
Decide who decides
Respect the process.
On The Use of Consensus, Committees and Mandates
/in IN FOCUS, NEWSLETTER /by Michael SouléOften, when groups first begin to use consensus, most if not all decisions are made by the group as a whole. Groups come to understand that this is what it means to function by consensus. Over time, however, most groups begin to look for ways to function more efficiently. Frequently, they turn to the use of committees and mandate groups.
It is important to understand that consensus and the use of mandating are not mutually exclusive. The two can be used together. In fact, a mandate group is simply a specialized type of committee, with its mandate framed in a certain way.
Affirming decisions
/in IN FOCUS, NEWSLETTER /by Michael SouléThis is an excerpt from “School Renewal, A Spiritual Journey for Change” by Torin Finser.
Understanding the importance of framing issues can lead us to the best ways to reach decisions in a group setting.
A decision is a form of free human action. When a human being actively searches out and grasps a concept or intuition thereby bringing it to full consciousness, a self-sustaining decision can arise.
Individuals, not groups, make decisions.
Where do decisions come from? For me at least they have a mysterious quality. It is hard to determine what is really happening in the moment in which an individual makes a decision.
There were certainly important element of preparation, but the second in which one realizes a decision there’s a magical element at work. There’s an intuitive quality to the act, and intuition is connected to the will, the motivational aspect of our constitution. It is as if we were to dive into the lake of decision and really know what we have come to only a split second after we emerge on the surface.
More resources for Consensus Decision Making
/in IN FOCUS, NEWSLETTER /by Michael SouléThe following are excellent resources to learn more about the why and how of meeting process and facilitation for consensus decision-making. All of these articles are available in the LeadTogether resource collection.
A Short Guide to Consensus Building
By the Public Disputes Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School
A Checklist for the Consensus Process
Edited by Randy Schutt
Short Guide to Consensus Decision Making
Seeds of Change
Consensus Decision Making
Seeds of Change
Functional Consensus
On Conflict and Consensus: A handbook on Formal Consensus decision-making
CT Lawrence Butler and Amy Rothstein
Leadership and Self Administration, Michael Harslem
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléLeadership and Self-Administration--Michael Harslem--Paideia--1998
A SHORT GUIDE TO CONSENSUS BUILDING, the Public Disputes Program, Harvard
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléThis article on consensus offers a brief look at some aspects of consensus decision making, definitions of the difference between consensus, facilitation, and mediation, and a look at whats wrong with Robert’s rules of order. -ed A SHORT GUIDE TO CONSENSUS BUILDING by The Public Diputes Program. Part of the Inter-university Program on Negotiation […]
Consensus – Simple Steps Handout
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléA Checklist for the Consensus Process Edited by Randy Schutt This one page checklist outlines the various aspects of the consensus process and offers a list of tasks and responsibilities for the various roles in the process along with a listing of various tools for facilitation. –Lted Get pdf here Consensus-Simple-Steps-Handout
Consensus Summary, Seeds of Change
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléShort Guide to Consensus Decision Making Seeds of Change This 8-page booklet is a very readable summary (with lots of charts and graphics) describing the consensus process. This, and its longer version below, would be helpful basic reading for any group. -Lted Get pdf here Consensus Brief Summary- Seeds of Change
Consensus Briefing, Seeds of Change
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléConsensus Decision Making Seeds of Change This 24-page booklet goes more into depth about the background tools and practice of consensus decision making. It is a very helpful study for anyone in a position leading a group through consensus decisions. It offers sound experienced advice for consensus leaders along with troubleshooting tips.–LTed Get […]
On Conflict and Consensus, by LT Butler and Amy Rothstein
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléOn Conflict and Consensus: A handbook on Formal Consensus decision-making CT Lawrence Butler and Amy Rothstein This little booklet (63pp) is the one definitive guide to Consensus decision-making. It has chapters on conflict, decision-making, roles, evaluation, techniques, and a good intro chapter on the advantages of consensus. -LTed See the document here […]
Learning in Organizations – theory and practice
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléIn recent years there has been a lot of talk of ‘organizational learning’. Here we explore the theory and practice of such learning via pages in the encyclopaedia of informal education. We examine some key theorists and themes, and ask whether organizations can learn? contents: introduction · learning · learning in organizations –experiential learning – single- and double-loop learning –informal learning – distributed cognition – communities of practice · can […]
Sociocracy, a creative approach to organizational development
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléSociocratic Principles & Methods From SOCIONET, the website of the Association for Sociocracy JUNE 13, 2010 What is Sociocracy? Sociocracy is a method of governing organizations that produces greater commitment, higher levels of creativity, distributed leadership, deeper harmony, and dramatically […]
Theory U: two views on the work of Otto Scharmer
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléAn introduction to Theory U and Presencing from the book Partnerships of Hope by Chris Schaefer Because of its strong future orientation, similar to that of Appreciative Inquiry, I would next mention Klaus Otto Scharmer’s Theory U . Scharmer encourages us to “learn from a future that has not yet happened and from continually discovering our part […]
Organizations as Living Organisms by Magda Lissau
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléBy Magda Lissau, from her book, OCTAVE: Essays on Waldorf Education Published by AWSNA Introduction: Developing a Seven-Fold View In this essay I would like to develop a view of Waldorf schools and other organizations that honor the reality of human individuals as beings of body, soul, and spirit. I must make it clear that […]
Basic Principles of a Living Organization
/in NEWSLETTER /by Michael SouléThere are two major challenges to the ongoing creative activity of an evolving organization. These two challenges are similar to the two elements we must deal with in managing our individual lives. We must deal within each moment and each day with what is living, growing and evolving immediately before us and widely around us. […]
Phases of School Development
/in NEWSLETTER, RESOURCES /by Michael SouléCh. 2 from Partnerships of Hope, Building Waldorf School Communities by Christopher Schaefer Underlying this description of the life cycle of Waldorf schools are a number of principles. The first is that all institutions are human creations; they are created by people with an idea in response to a perceived need. In the case of […]
School as a living Entity : Emerging Hypothesis
/in NEWSLETTER /by Michael Souléby Rea Gill As modern human beings we have an opportunity—maybe even a responsibility—to find sustainable ways to exist in and be in relationship with our environment . This is just as true in the social realm as it is in relationship to our physical environment, and we need to invent, discover and utilize socially […]
Organizational Integrity
/in NEWSLETTER /by Michael SouléOrganizational Integrity: How to apply the wisdom of the body to develop healthy organizations by Torin Finser All around us, we see living systems in plants, animals, and human beings. Our environment is alive, vibrant, and full of innate wisdom. Even the stars and planets speak in the language of ancient folklore to those who […]
Other Resources on Living Organizations
/in NEWSLETTER /by Michael SouléHere are a few more interesting resources related to Living Organizations: Organizations as Living Organisms by Magda Lissau which looks at a school in light of life processes and the elements. School as a Living Entity by Rea Gill, an ebook exploring the story of Rea's work in Vancouver and the dynamics of creating a school as […]
Seven Keys to Sustainability, full version
/2 Comments/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléIn order for an independent non-profit educational organization to become financially sustainable in a culture and environment that is highly consumer driven, leaders in schools will need to become increasingly creative in how they view and work with finances and the resource landscape (economic) in which they are embedded. Here are seven keys that every […]
/1 Comment/in NEWSLETTER /by Michael SouléWaldorf schools have three primary challenges as they move into the future: To keep the education vibrant; To maintain healthy relationships throughout the organization; To create financial stability through creative relationships to the greater culture The sustainability of our organizations depends upon how we face these challenges. In the same way that we need to […]
Seven Keys to Sustainability
/2 Comments/in NEWSLETTER /by Michael SouléIn order for an independent non-profit educational organization to become financially sustainable in a culture and environment that is highly consumer driven, leaders in schools will need to become increasingly creative in how they view and work with finances and the resource landscape (economic) in which they are embedded. Here are seven keys that every […]
Sustainability Resources
/in Uncategorized /by Michael SouléResources for Sustainability Dear Colleagues, This month’s newsletter focuses on the theme of Sustainability and explores the question, “How can our schools become more sustainable in an economic environment that is growing more competitive and uncertain?” The lead article is a survey of the question and the second article, Seven Keys to Sustainability, outlines areas […]
Intimations of a New Economic Story, John Bloom
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléJohn Bloom Given the very real tragedy of our current economy, we need a new economic story that dispels faulty assumptions about growth, the environment and our natural resources, and transforms the anti-social power of self-interested behavior along with the extractive practice of over-accumulation. The new economic story is rooted in the incontrovertible reality […]
Creative Approaches to Tuition: The Free Education Group at Michael Hall in England, 1977-80
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléThe Free Education Group at Michael Hall School in England: 1977-80 By Christopher Schaefer It was the late 1970’s and a number of us with children at Michael Hall, a well-established Waldorf school in Forest Row, Sussex, had an intense interest in Steiner’s social and economic ideas. We wanted to get away from the […]
Sustainability: History of Funding for Waldorf Schools
/in RESOURCES /by Michael Soulé6. The history and challenges of school financing in the Waldorf Movement It is essential to have an understanding of the history and context for the challenges of funding for Waldorf Education since the beginning. Gary Lamb has collected, in the early chapters of his book, The Social Mission of Waldorf Education, a clear and […]
Centre for Associative Economics, UK
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléAssociative Economics The Centre for Associative Economics in the UK offers a website, publications, a monthly newsletter, seminars and access to research on Associative Economic s based on the insights of Rudolf Steiner and many others. These resources provide a wealth of insights into new economic thinking. Founder Christopher Houghton Budd focusses his work also […]
Sustainability: Enrollment and Fundraising
/in RESOURCES /by Michael Soulé5. Waldorf Movement Successes to Strengthen Enrollment and Fundraising It is generally true that schools with more students have a stronger financial picture and that schools that are more effective at development work and fundraising also feel a reduction in the pressure that high tuitions place on parents. While these two areas, enrollment and fundraising, […]
Fundraising 101, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléFundraising101forWaldorfSchools
Independent Schools and School Choice 2009, Gary Lamb, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael Souléwaldorf_perspectives_2009-indendent-Schools-and-School-Choice-Legislation-in-the-United-States
Sustainability: School Finances and School Choice
/in RESOURCES /by Michael Soulé2. The Intersection of School Finances and School Choice Initiatives in the US around School Choice offer a wealth of insights into ways we can support the transformation of educational funding. The School Choice movement imagines a possible future where the social impulse of Waldorf education and its accessibility to more families of all economic […]
Sustainability: Rethinking Tuition
/in RESOURCES /by Michael Soulé3. Rethinking Tuition How we think about tuition, whether it is viewed as a payment, a mandatory contribution or a gift, has a significant effect on the financial relationships in the school and especially on development work and fundraising. The whole avenue of concerted, intentional, and value-driven development work is longing for further evolution. In […]
The Genius of Money, a book by John Bloom
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléBelow are two reviews of John Bloom’s excellent book, “The Genius of Money.” "To understand money in the deepest sense is to journey inwardly to grapple with the `money self,' to become more conscious economic participants in financial transactions with the world, and last but not least, to work to meet the material needs of […]
Creative Approaches to Tuition: Accessible to All Tuition, a review by Beth Henderson
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléA report published FROM THE RUDOLF STEINER CENTER IN TORONTO The first Waldorf school was established nearly 100 years ago to serve the needs of workers children at a cigarette factory in Stuttgart Germany. Deep in the ethos of Waldorf education is a desire to serve all who seek a holistic, spirit filled education regardless […]
Sustainability: Government Funding
/in RESOURCES /by Michael Soulé4. Government Support and Charter Schools’ Work to Reach a Wider Population. In some countries, the separation between public funding and independent schools is less of an issue that in the US. In Australia and Canada, for instance, independent schools operate with significant support from the government. The newsletter article by Tracey Puckeridge explores the […]
How to Run a Waldorf School: Notes from a Conference in UK
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléBecoming clearer about how best to run a school? An understandable first response to that quasi-question might be to ask back, “Shouldn’t that be clear enough already?” But the millions of pounds spent by the UK government on revising, reforming and reconstituting governance and leadership for schools in general, should serve as an alert to the […]
Creative Approaches to Tuition: Accessible to All Tuition Model
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléINTRODUCTION from the ATA Handbook In fall 1993, the Waldorf School of the Peninsula in Los Altos, California, started a tuition adjustment program based on a commitment to make Waldorf education accessible to all families who value it. An article, “Reality and Process”, presented at the West Coast Economic Conference in spring 1993, was […]
Funding Education: A review of Freeing the Circling Stars by Christopher Houghton Budd (review by Arthur Edwards)
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléFreeing the Circling Stars by Christopher Houghton Budd A review January 24, 2011 by Arthur Edwards Paying the Piper, Not Calling the Tune In the preface to Freeing the Circling Stars, Christopher Houghton Budd makes the radical contention that those who fund education should not thereby also determine its content. In his view, the function […]
Creative Approach to Tuition: Three Tiered Model at Brooklyn Waldorf School
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléHere is a brief overview of the creative approach to tuition of the Brooklyn Waldorf School. Brooklyn Waldorf School Tuition Model Three-Tier Tuition At the Brooklyn Waldorf School we are committed to building a school whose student body, faculty, staff and curriculum reflect the economic, cultural and racial diversity of Brooklyn, New York. Private education […]
Associative Economics by Gary Lamb, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléAs he shares in the introduction, Gary Lamb has been exploring questions of how to transform our relationships with money and economics for much of his life. In this insightful book, Gary leads us on a clear journey to deepen our understanding of the contributions Rudolf Steiner has made to economic thought. From a basic […]
Underlying Themes in the Economics of Waldorf Schools, Werner Glas
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléIn this first chapter of the book Economic Explorations, leading Waldorf educator Werner Glas provides an overview of the basic themes facing Waldorf schools and economic life in light of Rudolf Steiner's social ideas. This is a general overview and introduction of the Threefold Social Order and its relationship to school organization. From the beginning […]
Parent Associations, Effective Practices, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléThis part of the module on Working with Parents surveys the many aspects of a parent association in a school. The contents include: (click on a topic to go to the module on the AWSNA Website.) 1. Does your school have a Parent Association? If yes, describe its primary areas of focus or responsibility. 2. […]
Welcome Orientation
/in Uncategorized /by Michael SouléWelcome to LeadTogether
Communications Flow for Increasing Enrollment, from NAIS Independent Educator
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléThis article by Jeff Hansen is a clear and refreshing discussion of the power of personal and ongoing communications in increasing enrollment. This article echos the wisdom of Siegfried Finser in his book specifically for Waldorf schools "Full Enrollment". Hansen outlines his process for increasing consciousness about perhaps the most important aspect of the enrollment […]
Preparing for Crisis Communications, from NAIS
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléAuthor Jane Hulbert, provides a comprehensive look at how to prepare for communications in a crisis. This document is designed to give schools a blueprint for crisis communications planning. Given the variety of schools, there is no “one size fits all” plan, but there are steps that every school can take in advance. The key to […]
9 Steps to Stronger Board Performance, from Associations NOW
/in RESOURCES /by Michael Soulé9 Steps to Stronger Board Performance is a collections of resources from Associations NOW that clearly outline practices essential to successful board work. The key areas are relevant to large or small boards. For boards of young schools or schools that have regular turnover of board members, the basic processes of healthy board development are […]
Global Trends Affecting the Capacity for Organizations (including Waldorf schools) to practice collaboration
/in IN FOCUS /by Michael SouléGlobal Trends Affecting the Capacity for Organizations (including Waldorf schools) to practice collaboration, an article by A. DeMeyer. I found this article by A DeMeyer from 2009 important for a deeper understanding of the trends in business and culture that are affecting the need for and practice of collaborative work in organizations at all levels. […]
A Guide to Full Enrollment, Siegfried Finser
/1 Comment/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléA Guide to Full Enrollment is a guidebook for Waldorf Schools, at all stages of maturity, interested in achieving full enrollment. As it takes a whole, healthy school, united with purpose and courage to have full enrollment, this guide was written especially for Trustees, Teachers, Administrators, Enrollment Directors and Parents. The future demands that the Waldorf […]
Forming School Communities, The Renewal of the Social Organism, M Karutz, AWSNA
/in Uncategorized /by Michael SouléForming School Communities - Contents Intro - Mathiaas Krutz Forming School Communities - Renewal of the Social Organism - Contents Intro - Mathiaas Krutz
Empowerment in Organizations: The Theory and Practice of a Mandate System, C Pieterse
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléAs reflected in the reviews below and in the table of contents, this book explores the essential aspects of community and organization building. Cornelis focuses on two main topics: the understanding of the growth and development of organizations through phases; and the structure and practice of mandates. Both of these are central topics at the […]
The Mandate System, C Pieterse from Administrative Explorations, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléMore and more in organizations we find it important to assign various tasks and responsibilities to small groups. The key to success in doing this has to do with how we select individuals for the group and how we define the task and the role and responsibility of the group. The description for the group […]
Starting a School, A Summary of Suggestions from AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléHere is a list of frequently asked questions about starting a school. The information is borrowed from AWSNA's Young Schools Guide, a more comprehensive compendium of information about all aspects of starting and nurturing a school in its early years. This informative article focuses on the questions around: Starting a School Forming a Study Group […]
Meeting the Financial Crisis, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléThis is a series of articles provided by AWSNA to schools to help them understand and navigate the economic downturn in the last decade. Articles On Finance Avoiding Financial Choking in A Waldorf School.pdf Canadian School Finance Cover Letter.pdf David Whyte A fire Inside Essay.pdf FINAL - Claus - Financial long-term planning Nov 2008.pdf […]
Healthy Organizational Practices, WECAN
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléDownload Healthy Organizational Practices Online Resource Part I (PDF) Download Healthy Organizational Practices Online Resource Part II (PDF) From WECNA website under Resources
WECAN Resources for EC
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléWECAN Resources Part of WECAN’s mission is to provide resources for Waldorf early childhood educators and for others who draw inspiration from the work of Rudolf Steiner in their work with young children. In addition to our Gateways newsletter and the books we publish and distribute through our online bookstore, we gather current research and articles of […]
Governance, Effective Practices, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléEffective Practices : Governance GOVERNANCE MENU Click on the topics below to go to the Effective Practices Report Governance -- A Definition 1. Board of Trustees 2. Pedagogical Decision Making 3. Administrative or Rights Realm 4. Brotherhood 5. Operational Coordination 6. Decision Making Processes Reflections on Governance
Mentoring and Professional Development, Effective Practices, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléEffective Practices : Mentoring MENTORING MENU 1. The Mentoring Program 2. Mentor Qualifications and Scheduling 3. Oversight and Review of the Mentoring Program 4. Evaluations and Mentoring 5. Personal Development and Enrichment Mentoring and Professional Development: An Introduction The topic of Mentoring and Professional Development is covered in a general way in the Human Resources […]
Pedagogy, Effective Practices, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléEffective Practices : Pedagogy PEDAGOGY MENU 1. Class Size 2. Record Keeping in the Classroom 3. Partnerships with Health Care and Other Professionals 4. Department Heads (Role, Responsibility and Authority) 5. Discipline and Classroom Codes of Conduct 6. Class Schedules - The Rhythm of the Day and Week 7. Classroom Chores 8. Community Service 9. […]
Pedagogical Operations, Effective Practices, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléEffective Practices : Pedagogical Operations PEDAGOGICAL OPERATIONS MENU 1. Annual Events 2. Extended Student Absence 3. Field Trips 4. End of Year Classroom Changes 5. Classroom Supplies 6. Pedagogical Resource Development 7. Substitution 8. School Library
School Operations, Effective Practices, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléEffective Practices : School Operations SCHOOL OPERATIONS MENU 1. Emergency Preparedness 2. Facilities Management 3. School Security 4. Facilities Use 5. Database Structure and Information Management Systems 6. Telecommunications
Community Life, Effective Practices, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléEffective Practices : Community Life COMMUNITY LIFE MENU 1. Annual Meetings and Events 2. Communication with the School Community 3. Calendars and the Rhythm of the Year 4. Conflict Resolution 5. Committee and Task Group Activity 6. Meeting Culture
Finances, Effective Practices, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléEffective Practices : Finances FINANCES MENU 1. Budget Development and Connection to the Strategic Plan 2. Billing and Collecting 3. Accounts Payable 4. After Care Billing 5. Capital Planning and Fund Management 6. Tuition Protection Plans 7. Tuition Contracts
Working With Parents, Effective Practices, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléEffective Practices : Working With Parents WORKING WITH PARENTS MENU 1. Parent Associations 2. Parent Education 3. Room Reps 4. The Parent's Role 5. Social Dynamics
Report Writing and Documentation, Effective Practices, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléEffective Practices : Report Writing & Documentation REPORT WRITING & DOCUMENTATION MENU 1. Report Writing in the Grades 2. Report Writing in the High School 3. Report Writing in the Kindergarten 4. Other Documentation, Interim Reports and Notices
Long-Range And Strategic Planning, Effective Practices, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléEffective Practices : Long-Range And Strategic Planning LONG-RANGE AND STRATEGIC PLANNING MENU 1. Statements of Vision, Mission and Values 2. Strategic Planning 3. Annual Performance Objectives
Enrollment, Effective Practices, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléEffective Practices : Enrollment ENROLLMENT MENU 1. Outreach and Promotion 2. Admissions 3. Transition from Kindergarten to Grade 1 4. Transition from Grade 8 to the High School 5. Registration 6. Wait List Management 7. Retention and Exit Interviews 8. Management Reporting 9. Re-Enrollment Introduction Educating students is the purpose of the Waldorf School and, […]
Human Relations, Effective Practices, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléEffective Practices : Human Resources HUMAN RESOURCES MENU 1. Recruitment and Hiring 2. New Hire Orientation 3. Employee Handbooks and Procedure Manuals 4. Mentoring and Professional Development 5. Evaluations 6. Complaints, Corrective Processes and Termination 7. Conservation and Nourishment 8. Classroom Assistants 9. Immigration 10. Personnel Records 11. Workloads 12. Teacher Trainees
Development, Effective Practices, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléEffective Practices : Development DEVELOPMENT MENU 1. Publicity and Public Relations 2. Community In-reach 3. Fundraising Events 4. Annual Appeal 5. Alumni 6. Grants Introduction Development is a term that has various associations and meanings among people. In one sense, development means “developing relationships” with the various communities in which our schools exist. Many see […]
Lessons from Jazz Bands and the New Conductor-less Orchestra for Organizations Practicing Collaboration
/in IN FOCUS /by Michael SouléLessons from Jazz Bands and the New Leaderless Symphony for Organizations Practicing Collaboration Both the creative “in the moment” improvisation of jazz bands and the studied and practiced leadership in the context of a leaderless symphony offer real and important insights into the practice of collaboration in any organization. While the product and the goals […]
Excerpt from The Faculty Meeting as Heart of the School, Jorgen Smit
/in IN FOCUS, RESOURCES /by Michael SouléJorgen Smit, long-time Waldorf teacher and former head of the Pedagogical section in Dornach, Switzerland, offers his insights into the ways that teachers could focus their group work to create a living spiritual atmosphere that would permeate the school and engender improved collaboration. This excerpt is from the book, The Child, Teachers and Community, a […]
Review and Comments on “Collaborative Leadership”, an article by Arnoud DeMeyer of Cambridge, UK, about the trends affecting modern day organizations and the need for collaboration.
/2 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Michael SouléReview and Comments on “Collaborative Leadership”, an article by Arnoud DeMeyer of Cambridge, UK, about the trends affecting modern day organizations and the need for collaboration. Review and comments (in blue) by Michael Soule. LeadTogether2014 This article by Arnoud DeMeyer from 2009 provides readers a deeper understanding of the trends in business and culture that […]
The Conductor less Orchestra, H Seifter
/in Uncategorized /by Michael SouléTHE CONDUCTOR-LESS ORCHESTRA by Harvey Seifter Institute, No.21, Summer 2001 Tapping into the unique skills of knowledge workers requires leaders to adopt new ways of thinking and to apply new models of organization to the workplace. According to Harvard business professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter in Executive Excellence, "Your structures should be very loose and […]
Jazz and Collaboration, A Cho
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléThe Jazz Process By Adrian Cho, February 18, 2010 What can software developers learn from jazz musicians? Adrian Cho has worked in the software development industry for more than 20 years as a consultant to banks and research development labs at Fujitsu and IBM and as a key contributor to multiple class-leading and award-winning software engineering […]
From Co-Creation to Association, John Bloom
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléIn this article, John Bloom of RS Social Finance, outlines a way of thinking that moves beyond problem and solution to imaginative thinking. John describes how modern times require us to understand and practice imagination, inspiration and intuition and how that practice is relevant and helpful to any organization, and especially to the building of […]
Building a Culture of Leadership, Learning and Service in a Waldorf School Community (Chris Schaefer PhD)
/in IN FOCUS /by Michael SouléIn this article, Chris Schaefer, author and long time Waldorf educator and consultant, looks at his work with Waldorf schools over many years and offers insights in three areas – leadership, learning and service. He outlines positive steps that schools can take in the following areas: Become aware of leadership positions in school Spend time discussing […]
Misconceptions about Waldorf Education, G Lamb from The Social Mission of Waldorf Education, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléRead the chapter here Social Mission- Ch 19 Misconceptions Many thanks go to AWSNA for its support of this publication, and to the Research Bulletin and Online Waldorf Library for making this publication available in ebook form as a free download Social_Mission (1) The book is available in print form at AWSNA Books and More and through Amazon.
The Waldorf Movement as Potent Social Force, G Lamb from The Social Mission of Waldorf Education, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléRead the chapter here Social Mission- Ch 18 WS Movement as Potent Force Many thanks go to AWSNA for its support of this publication, and to the Research Bulletin and Online Waldorf Library for making this publication available in ebook form as a free download Social_Mission (1) The book is available in print form at AWSNA Books […]
Working Together, G Lamb from The Social Mission of Waldorf Education, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléRead the chapter here Social Mission- Ch 17 Working Together Many thanks go to AWSNA for its support of this publication, and to the Research Bulletin and Online Waldorf Library for making this publication available in ebook form as a free download Social_Mission (1) The book is available in print form at AWSNA Books and More and through Amazon.
Broad Based Funding for Waldorf Schools, G Lamb from The Social Mission of Waldorf Education, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléRead the chapter here Social Mission- Ch 16 Broad Based Funding for WS Many thanks go to AWSNA for its support of this publication, and to the Research Bulletin and Online Waldorf Library for making this publication available in ebook form as a free download Social_Mission (1) The book is available in print form at AWSNA Books and […]
Private Funding, G Lamb from The Social Mission of Waldorf Education, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléRead the chapter here Social Mission- Ch 6 Private Funding Many thanks go to AWSNA for its support of this publication, and to the Research Bulletin and Online Waldorf Library for making this publication available in ebook form as a free download Social_Mission (1) The book is available in print form at AWSNA Books and More and through Amazon.
Self Administration, G Lamb from The Social Mission of Waldorf Education, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléIn this essay, Gary Lamb outlines some basic principles of self administration in Waldorf Schools. Providing insightful quotes from Rudolf Steiner, Gary outlines basic ideas that school leaders should consider and offers two suggestions for how schools and training institutes can contribute to strengthening Self Administration in schools. Read the chapter here Social Misssion- Ch 5 […]
Waldorf World School Assn, G Lamb from The Social Mission of Waldorf Education, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléRead the chapter here Social Mission- CH 4 World School Assn Many thanks go to AWSNA for its support of this publication, and to the Research Bulletin and Online Waldorf Library for making this publication available in ebook form as a free download Social_Mission (1) The book is available in print form at AWSNA Books and […]
Founding of the First Waldorf School, G lamb from The Social Mission of Waldorf Education, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléRead the chapter here Social Mission- Ch 2 Founding of first Waldorf School Many thanks go to AWSNA for its support of this publication, and to the Research Bulletin and Online Waldorf Library for making this publication available in ebook form as a free download Social_Mission (1) The book is available in print form at AWSNA Books and […]
The Threefold Nature of Social Life, G Lamb from The Social Mission of Waldorf Education, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléMany thanks go to AWSNA for its support of this publication, and to the Research Bulletin and Online Waldorf Library for making this publication available in ebook form as a free download. The book is available in print form at AWSNA Books and More and through Amazon. Social_Mission-Ch 1 Threefold Nature of […]
The Social MIssion of Waldorf Education, G Lamb
/1 Comment/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléMany thanks go to AWSNA for its support of this publication, and to the Research Bulletin and Online Waldorf Library for making this publication available in ebook form as a free download. The book is available in print form at AWSNA Books and More and through Amazon. Find the ebook here: Social_Mission (1) […]
Wellsprings of the Art of Education- Three Reversals, C Wiechert
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléChristof Wiechert is an experienced teacher, teacher trainer and past head of the Pedagogical Section in Dornach. In this article he points to three areas of confusion arising in the practice of Waldorf Education and shares insights on how the teachers can work against them in strengthening their inner work. The confusions stem from the […]
Administrative Forms and Lists, D Mitchell et al from The Art of Administration, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléThe Art of Administration was published by AWSNA to provide a comprehensive resource for schools developing their administrative work. Accompanying the chapters is a collection of forms for many aspects of school administration. These forms and lists go along with the content of the chapters of The Art of Administration Chapter 1 Sample agenda . […]
Board of Trustees, A Dancy from The Art of Administration, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléWhat purpose does a board serve? Why have one? How should it be related to the faculty? What are the typical patterns of development of boards? What are typical conflicts? How do we improve communications? These are some of the questions Agaf explores in this essay. Art of Administration - Ch 10 - Board of […]
Working Together, C Pieterse from The Art of Administration, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléIn this essay, Cornelius explores the deeper aspects of working together in organizations and dealing with the conflicts that arise in relationships. Read the article here: Art of Administration -Ch 9 - Working Together - C Pieterse Many thanks go to AWSNA for its support of this publication, and to the Research Bulletin and […]
Evaluation, D Mitchell, from The Art of Administration, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléThe administration of every Waldorf School has a professional responsibility for implementing some form of evaluation procedure. The purpose of evaluation is to affirm that you are doing what you say you want to do as an individual, as a student, or as an organization. Evaluation provides an objective state- mentthatcanleadtogrowth,increased confidence,andinterpersonalsharing. This chapter […]
Community Relations and Outreach, C Pietzner, from The Art of Administration, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléCommunity relations defines a very broad area both operationally and conceptually. Because of this it may seem abstract, remote, unnecessary, ethereal and diversionary, and not relating to the “true” function of a school, especially a Waldorf School! Such an attitude is perilous, and will be ever more so as the American public awakens to the […]
Admissions and Parent Education, A Mitchell from The Art of Administration, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléOne of the most exciting experiences in the life of a Waldorf School is to encounter the steady stream of children who find their way to the school, their class, and their teachers. The journey to the school seems to be through the most varied and interesting circumstances. The process of Admissions is there as […]
Administrative Roles, D Alsop, from The Art of Administration, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléIn many Waldorf Schools, the process of addressing these tasks and responsibilities has led to, among others, the positions of Administrator, Business Manager and Development Officer. This chapter will attempt to explore some aspects of each of these functions. Sample job descriptions can be found in the appendix. Art of Administration - Ch 5 - […]
Committee Structure, S Van Sant, from The Art of Administration, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléThe framework of this chapter is best stated in the following: "The spiritual life forces of a Waldorf School are twofold, or we could say, there are two motives for its existence. On the one hand, it is the starting point for a renewal of education based on a spiritual knowledge of the whole man […]
The College of Teachers, J Pewtherer from The Art of Administration, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléAt the first Waldorf School in Stuttgart, Rudolf Steiner encouraged the original core of teachers to work into the future together by carrying the school forward in a new way.1. He asked that they take on the rigor of establishing a new social form. He acknowledged that this task would be difficult, but he said […]
The Faculty Meeting, by T Finser, from The Art of Administration, AWSNA
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléSome years ago, the U.S. Department of Education reported a survey in which "as many as 45 percent of the teachers report no contact with each other during the workday; another 32 percent say they have infrequent contact. As a result, these teachers fail to share experience and ideas or to get support from colleagues. […]
The Art of Administration, D Mitchell et al, AWSNA Publications
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléThe Art of Administration is a compilation of articles covering basic topics in Waldorf school administration. It is one of the most read and referred to handbooks on Waldorf Administration. The table of contents is below with links to the various chapters TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction David Mitchell . . . . . . […]
Work Song, part 2: A Vision
/in POEM /by Michael SouléAs Wendell Berry offers in his poem VISION, the journey is its own reward. –MS If we will have the wisdom to survive, to stand like slow growing trees on a ruined place, renewing, enriching it… then a long time after we are dead the lives our lives prepare will live here, their houses strongly […]
The Basic Qualities of Collaboration
/in IN FOCUS, RESOURCES /by Michael SouléIn every area of human endeavor, leaders are understanding better and better how to support the healthy development of the individual while building relationships that further the mission and effectiveness of the group or organization. In both hierarchical as well as horizontal organizations, inspired leaders are discovering and practicing new approaches to organizational management that […]
LeadTogether: The Practice of Collaboration
/in NEWSLETTER /by Michael SouléAt the heart of Waldorf Education is an imagination of a better world through human beings’ conscious collaboration with one another, the natural world and the spirit. Its founder, Rudolf Steiner, looked into the future and saw that, in order to combat an age of growing materialism and self centeredness, a new approach to education […]
Democracy in Education: Kevin Avison reviews an article by Phillip Woods
/in Uncategorized /by Michael SouléLeadership and Governance in Waldorf Education REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRATIC There is a general view that Waldorf school are purely "republican" organisations. The following review of Philip Woods book challenges that idea. I think the schools need democracy in order to be republican. In my view Ernst Lehr's little essay has resulted in misunderstandings that sometimes cost our schools […]
AWSNA Effective Practices: Contents
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléOver the last 20 years, AWSNA has compiled a broad range of resources related to effective practices in schools. Each Effective Practices module has background information and responses by exemplary schools about various aspects of their operations. These modules are available to members of affiliated schools on the AWSNA website and generally on teh web […]
Useful Links
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléWaldorf Organizations Why Waldorf Works: AWSNA Website: Effective Practices Online Waldorf Library (OWL) A project of the Research Institute for Waldorf Education Research Institute for Waldorf Education WECAN (Waldorf Early Childhood Assn.) Friends of Waldorf Education Germany Pedagogical Section, Dornach European Council for Steiner Waldorf Education Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship (UK) International Assn. for Steiner Waldorf Early Childhood […]
The Spiritual Impulse of Waldorf Education – Jorgen Smit
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléIn this first chapter in the book "The Child, Teacher and Community" provides a clear overview of the spiritual dimension of waldorf schooling. " Waldorf education is a very concrete, dense reality, a human reality . I am not speaking of perfection or lack of perfection, but actually a concrete, dense, human reality . It is […]
Developing a Culture of Leadership, Learning and Service in Waldorf Schools – Chris Schaefer
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléThis essay was adapted from a talk given at a Leadership Symposium at Camphill Soltane, January 26-28, 1996: “Leadership in the Culture of Anthroposophical Organizations.” It also appears in Partnerships of Hope: Building Waldorf Schools and Other Communities of the Spirit. The following excerpt from the essay provides a foundation for a new perspective on […]
Quality Considerations in Waldorf Education: An essay by Kevin Avison, SWSF UK
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléAn essay by Kevin Avison, Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship, UK In this essay Avison discusses the art of Waldorf education and the importance of supporting the educational process with a community that understands and nurtures quality. He describes how, when quality is lacking, schools frequently turn to increased policies and regulations which often puts further […]
Editorial Policies
/in Uncategorized /by Michael SouléLeadTogether is dedicated to stimulating discussion and making resources available about governance, leadership and organization development related to Waldorf schools and training centers. Resource use: Free Materials from other sources These resources will be available on our site with credit given to the authors and publishers and links to the original source. We will make […]
And Who Shall Teach the Teachers? A compilation by the Pedagogical Section Council published by AWSNA Publications
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléThis booklet was produced by the Pedagogical Section Council to explore the deeper aspects of the work of a teacher and from where they get their inspiration and continued source of strength. Each article is helpful in bringing insight into what Steiner saw as the source of the teacher's work. Contents Introduction..........Douglas Gerwin The Work […]
From Co-creation to Association: A Social Challenge for the New Economy by John Bloom
/1 Comment/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléFrom Co-creation to Association: A Social Challenge for the New Economy May 31, 2011 by John Bloom Search“co-creation” on the internet, and you will find it described primarily as a marketing technique. A company puts out a product, opens the lines of communication with its consumers and shapes the products based upon the input. […]
Waldorf Graduate Study finds Waldorf Grads tend to study and pursue careers in science
/in NEWS /by Michael SouléThe Waldorf Alumni Survey conducted by the Waldorf Research Institute found that Waldorf Students pursue college studies in Sciences at a much higher rate than their peers - 42% to 19%. Overall 94% of the Waldorf graduates surveyed attended college. For more information about this interesting survey, read more here.
Austrian Research Institute Recommends Waldorf schools as models for teaching science
/in NEWS /by Michael SouléPublic Austrian research institute recommends Steiner Waldorf schools as models for science teaching: Given that Waldorf schools are more generally associated with the arts while their phenomenological science approach is poorly understood or appreciated, this research institute looks at Waldorf Science teaching as a model, with evidence to back it.
Vision In Action: Working with Soul and Spirit in Small Organizations: C Schaefer and T Voors
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléThis new revised edition of Vision in Action is a workbook for those involved in social creation -- in taking initiatives that influence the social environment in which we live and where one's ideas and actions can matter. The social world is a humanly created world. In developing any enterprise -- whether a small business, […]
Lead Together Interview with Elan Leibner: Working with the Spirit in a School.
/in RESOURCES /by Michael SouléThe following podcast is an interview with Elan Leibner on"Working with the Spirit in a Waldorf School." In Waldorf schools across the world, the question of what it means to work with the spirit is often discussed. In this refreshing and insightful conversation, Elan Leibner, experienced teacher and member of the Pedagogical Section Council, talks […]
Nobel Prize Awarded to Waldorf Graduate.
/in NEWS /by Michael SouléHere is an interesting article on the recent awarding of a Nobel Prize to a waldorf school graduate. Autobiography – Thomas C. Südhof When I was born in Göttingen in 1955, the aftermaths of the second world war were still reverberating. I was born into an anthroposophical family. My maternal grandparents had been early followers […]