Associative Economics by Gary Lamb, AWSNA

As he shares in the introduction, Gary Lamb has been exploring questions of how to transform our relationships with money and economics for much of his life. In this insightful book, Gary leads us on a clear journey to deepen our understanding of the contributions Rudolf Steiner has made to economic thought. From a basic clear introduction of the threefold nature of social life, to more practical aspects of its relationship to work in education and in an organization, Gary provides a wealth of insight to help us transform our individual and organizational relationship to money and economic life.

Each chapter is a simple read and can stand on its own. As a whole, the book is a good short course in Associative Economics.

The Nature of Work with Associative Economics Ch 1 

Steiner as Social Reformer and Activist Ch 2 

Economic Renewal Ch 3 

Threefold Nature of Social Life Ch 4 

The Fundamental Social Law and Economic Life Ch 5 

Building an Associative Economy Ch 6 

Economic Associations Ch 7 

Freedom, Funding and Accountability in Education Ch 8 

The Economic Necessity for Educational and Cultural Freedom Ch 9 

Individual and Cultural Freedom Ch 10 

Rights and Single Payer Systems for Education Ch 11 

Economic Indices and Basic Human Needs Ch 12 

Money and Morality Ch 13 

True Price Ch 14 

Egoism and Social Life Ch 15

An Associative Relations Audit Ch 16 

National Leverage Points Ch 17

Local Leverage Points Ch 18 

Aligning Pedagogy and Finance in a Waldorf School Ch 19 

Big Thinking to Small Steps to Systematic Change Ch 20

This book is available online from the Online Waldorf Library, a project of the Research Institute of Waldorf Education and in print form from Waldorf Publications.

Read the whole book in PDF form by clicking here: Associative Economics Gary Lamb, AWSNA