Sustainability: Associative Economics

1. Associative Economics

 The idea behind associative economics arose from the work and insights of Rudolf Steiner in 1922 through his work with the first Waldorf School, and in a series of lectures on economics. Steiner’s visionary capacity brought to light a new imagination about economic life and money; that consciousness applied to the nature of transactions in the conduct of financial life would allow us to transform our relationships with each other and with money and provide a new basis for transforming the entire economic system. Understanding this is essential in the development of a school. In the attached articles by Warren Ashe, Siegfried Finser and Werner Glas, authors share important insights on the effect on school finances of seeing tuition in a new light.  Going further, John Bloom in an interview segment from the film The Challenge of Rudolf Steiner, and in his book The Genius of Money, offers insights into the realm of social finance and Steiner’s ideas. Christopher Houghton Budd has numerous publications and research on Associative Economics on his website that goes even deeper into the realm of Associative Economics. And lastly, Gary Lamb offers in his book on Associative Economics, an excellent treatment of the background, history, details and practical applications of Associative Economic thinking for schools. To be familiar with this book and these ideas will help every school leader work with financial matters in a new way.


EconomicExplorations-Ch 2- Three Kinds of Money - W Ashe

EconomicExplorations-CH 1- Underlying Themes - W Glas

Associative Economics Gary Lamb, AWSNA

Center for Associative Economics Website

The Genius of Money, John Bloom

 Interview with John Bloom and Martin Large in The Challenge of Rudolf Steiner

From Co-Creation to Association by John Bloom

This is a continuation from the article Seven Keys to Sustainability in the April 2014 LeadTogether Newsletter.