The College of Teachers, J Pewtherer from The Art of Administration, AWSNA

At the first Waldorf School in Stuttgart, Rudolf Steiner encouraged the original core of teachers to work into the future together by carrying the school forward in a new way.1. He asked that they take on the rigor of establishing a new social form. He acknowledged that this task would be difficult, but he said that it was absolutely necessary for world evolution that preparation begin for mankind to experience a new way of working with one another. This form, often called the college of teachers, was to be based on a spiritual beholding of one another, a working out of consensus, and a conscious attempt by the teachers to align themselves with the “genius” or “being” of the school through disciplined meditative practice.
Art of Administration - Ch 2 - College of Teachers - J Pewtherer

Many thanks go to AWSNA for its support of this publication, and to the Research Bulletin and Online Waldorf Library for making this publication available in ebook form as a free download.

The book is available in print form at AWSNA Books and More and through Amazon.

Find the ebook here:  Art of Administration - D Mitchell et al.