Committee Structure, S Van Sant, from The Art of Administration, AWSNA

The framework of this chapter is best stated in the following:

"The spiritual life forces of a Waldorf School are twofold, or we could say, there are two motives for its existence. On the one hand, it is the starting point for a renewal of education based on a spiritual knowledge of the whole man (the teachers' vocation as such). On the other hand, and at the same time, it is the working model for a social community, it is an institution of the free life of spirit."1.

Art of Administration - Ch 4 - Committee Structure - S Van Sant

Many thanks go to AWSNA for its support of this publication, and to the Research Bulletin and Online Waldorf Library for making this publication available in ebook form as a free download.

The book is available in print form at AWSNA Books and More and through Amazon.

Find the ebook here:  Art of Administration - D Mitchell et al.