Long-Range And Strategic Planning, Effective Practices, AWSNA
Effective Practices : Long-Range And Strategic Planning
1. Statements of Vision, Mission and Values
2. Strategic Planning
3. Annual Performance Objectives
Enrollment, Effective Practices, AWSNA
Effective Practices : Enrollment
1. Outreach and Promotion
2. Admissions
3. Transition from Kindergarten to Grade 1
4. Transition from Grade 8 to the High School
5. Registration
6. Wait List Management
7. Retention and Exit Interviews
8. Management Reporting
9. Re-Enrollment
Educating students is the purpose of the Waldorf School and, as such, enrollment is a critically important topic. Without adequate enrollment a school won’t be able to provide the full richness of the complete Waldorf curriculum, and at too low a level a school may need to close entirely. Budgeting properly for the coming school year is entirely dependent on an accurate projection of enrollment, whether the school is full or under enrolled. When a school is full the challenges are different, necessitating clear policies for wait list management. Good enrollment work is also a reflection of many of the milestones in child development - the transition from kindergarten to first grade and the transition from the lower school to high school are significant events that require both celebration and solid administrative support.
The complexity of Enrollment work is reflected in the large number of topics in this section. Some schools that were uncertain as to where to start on the path to professional enrollment management have found it helpful to conduct a short self assessment to focus their efforts. (See: Sample Self Assessment). Other schools know just where the pressing problems lie and get right to work in one of the areas listed below. In either case the focus of good enrollment work is to create a warm, welcoming and supportive environment for inquiring families and students, an environment that truly reflects the respect for truth and human life and the wonder at beauty that are the hallmarks of a Waldorf Education.
Human Relations, Effective Practices, AWSNA
Effective Practices : Human Resources
1. Recruitment and Hiring
2. New Hire Orientation
3. Employee Handbooks and Procedure Manuals
4. Mentoring and Professional Development
5. Evaluations
6. Complaints, Corrective Processes and Termination
7. Conservation and Nourishment
8. Classroom Assistants
9. Immigration
10. Personnel Records
11. Workloads
12. Teacher Trainees
Development, Effective Practices, AWSNA
Effective Practices : Development
1. Publicity and Public Relations
2. Community In-reach
3. Fundraising Events
4. Annual Appeal
5. Alumni
6. Grants
Development is a term that has various associations and meanings among people. In one sense, development means “developing relationships” with the various communities in which our schools exist. Many see unlimited growth potential for our Waldorf Schools in this task. Rudolf Steiner said that the “free spiritual cultural life” would be supported through a “negotiation” with the economic world. Put simply, can our schools make a case that they will use the resources provided by the economic sectors of society responsibly and to benefit for society? Have we developed our relationships with our communities such that they trust us with their hard-earned donations of time, talent and money? Have we made a compelling message, in easily understood language, which describes our mission?
Mission-based fundraising and development work requires that we inspire others, that we appreciate their freedom to join us in that mission or not, and that we thank them either way. These are the effective practices in Development work.
Lessons from Jazz Bands and the New Conductor-less Orchestra for Organizations Practicing Collaboration
Lessons from Jazz Bands and the New Leaderless Symphony for Organizations Practicing Collaboration
Both the creative “in the moment” improvisation of jazz bands and the studied and practiced leadership in the context of a leaderless symphony offer real and important insights into the practice of collaboration in any organization. While the product and the goals may be different, the processes in Jazz bands and leaderless symphonies are similar to the dynamics found in a Waldorf School.
Jazz Bands
In his significant book, Arnold Cho, Jazz musician and IT professional, discusses in depth the process of creating Jazz music and its relevance for organizations and teams. In a follow-up article written for IT professionals, he lays out 14 guiding principles and describes in detail the benefits and risks in each of the areas. If one were to imagine Waldorf schools as jazz ensembles and the overall progress of the community, (including children, parents teachers and staff) as the performance, his list and insights take on new meaning.
1. Use Just Enough Rules
2. Employ Top Talent
3. Put the Team First
4. Build Trust and Respect
5. Commit with Passion
6. Listen for Change
7. Lead on Demand
8. Act Transparently
9. Make Contributions Count
10. Reduce Friction
11. Maintain Momentum
12. Stay Healthy
13. Exchange Ideas
14. Take Measured Risks
To read the whole article go to Jazz and Collaboration
Leaderless Orchestra
In an article on the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra, Harry Seifter (an author, consultant and leading authority on organizational creativity and arts‐based learning), describes the processes and skills involved in operating a conductorless symphony and the insights the members have gained about collaboration. These insights mirror the principles that we practice every day in our schools. It is encouraging to read that the lessons we learn in our schools are applicable and articulated in other successful organizations. For more information about the process involved, read the article [The Leaderless Orchestra, Harry Seifter] . -MS
Read the article here: _the_conductorless_orchestra.pdf
Excerpt from The Faculty Meeting as Heart of the School, Jorgen Smit
Jorgen Smit, long-time Waldorf teacher and former head of the Pedagogical section in Dornach, Switzerland, offers his insights into the ways that teachers could focus their group work to create a living spiritual atmosphere that would permeate the school and engender improved collaboration. This excerpt is from the book, The Child, Teachers and Community, a set of lectures given at the annual AWSNA conference in 1989.
Excerpt from Chapter Three, The Teachers Meeting at Heart Organ of the School, from The Child, the Teacher and the Community by Jorgen Smit.
…It is possible to describe some qualities we must look for in this heart organ, the faculty meeting . I should like to make some contributions, but these are not definitive because it is not possible to describe this and say that the description is finished . This attitude is always wrong . Community building is such a great spiritual realm of the future of humanity that we should be very careful . We can only make contributions in order to make conscious some very important aspects of this community building, but we cannot say that we are describing the whole . One indispensable aspect is that every teacher in this whole community appears in the consciousness of the other teachers . All the teachers must be interested in recognizing how one teacher is working . Everyone must be aware of what is going on in the other classrooms . Of course it is not possible to recognize everything that is being done, that is not what I mean, but the interest in it must be there . If you recognize only one event in another classroom, a door will be opened . It is not necessary to look at every detail . One can make a small test after one year to see how it has been working . Suppose we have worked together in the teachers’ meeting during the whole year . We can ask how many teachers have not appeared at all in the consciousness of the others . This is a very helpful exercise .
I will tell a short story . I was visiting a school and was present in the teachers’ meeting . We took up a theme and I made some contributions, after which one of the teachers spoke to the theme . Then the same teacher spoke once more and then once again he spoke. After the meeting, I reviewed it for myself . Almost all the other teachers had been silent the whole time . One old, very intelligent, very capable teacher had spoken the whole time . This is not wrong, of course, if this happens once in one of the teachers’ meetings . He may have had much to say that was worthwhile . So I asked the others, “This teacher spoke very much this afternoon . How is it in the other teachers’ meetings throughout the year?” They answered, “We cannot speak at all!” This, then, was the situation . Of course there will always be some teachers who are more capable, who know more than the others and that is not wrong . They ought to make their contributions, but it is a task of the teachers’ meeting that everyone should speak out, not at every meeting but at least at some time during the year . One can schedule such things and say that now we are going to go around and each teacher will tell about one of his activities in his lessons . He may choose what he likes, but everyone has to share something out of his activities . In this way, all the others can recognize these things .
In many teachers’ meetings, I have seen it happen that a very few teachers speak while many others are silent until a catastrophe occurs in one teacher’s class . Then we have to deal with this catastrophe . Now this poor teacher is spoken about and we must recognize and deal with what is going on in his class . This is not unusual . We must also deal with catastrophes . That is not wrong . But we ought not wait until they come . Rather throughout the year, we should tell one another, one after the other, what is going on in our lessons when there are no catastrophes . If this is done, then a mood will be created within which we can deal with the catastrophes . You see, here is a great task . Of course we are not aiming for perfection but to create the interest in making something like this happen so that we really deal with this human being and that human being and with what is living in this and that classroom . When we do this we are awakening to this higher level where the archangels work at night, and they will pour their forces of courage into the whole college of teachers of the school . Rudolf Steiner called this process the reverse ritual, or the inverted ritual . This is a strange expression with the following meaning . In religious rituals, spiritual beings dive into all the processes of the ritual actions and words, permeating what can be perceived with the physical senses . The spiritual forces permeate the physical processes, the physical actions during the ritual . The spiritual beings dive into these and by letting the ritual echo in their own hearts, those who are participating in the religious ritual can unite with these spiritual beings . This is the usual ritual .
Now what is the inverted ritual? It does not begin with formed physical actions but with free, independent individualities who are working on their own paths of knowledge and who approach, through difficulties, this higher level of the archangels where they awaken to the spiritual activity in other human beings . They do not awaken to the bodies of the other human beings, nor to their sympathies and antipathies, but to their spiritual activities . Then seeds are created on a higher level, and they are reinforced by higher beings . These higher beings are present . It is a ritual, but one which is reversed, inverted, because the individuals must come up to this higher level .
But does it work? Does this inverted ritual work at all? This is always an inner question . We must test ourselves and look for all the hindrances that are preventing it from working . When we do, we come up against all those anti-social forces that we looked at yesterday . These have accumulated throughout the whole life of every teacher . We find all sorts of anti-social forces in feeling, thinking and will . There are many such forces and there must be . These are not bad . They are necessary because they separate us from the whole world and create the basis for our being free, independent individualities . We have arrived at this century when we are at the height of the consciousness soul, when I experience myself confronting the whole world . I am concerned about it and must consider what I think, what I feel, and what I will, and this is right . Of course, it is right . We must reach this height of the consciousness soul . We must confront the whole world . But it is not necessary to stay at this point . From this point, it is on the basis of anti-social forces that the consciousness soul, the “I”-consciousness, has been created and exercised . Here it is possible to ascend one more step to the next level . The necessary condition to taking this step is to experience and recognize others .
It is a rule, as I mentioned in my first lecture, that there is the center and there is the periphery, and in discovering others, I find myself not only in myself but also in the others at the same time . When I emphasize myself, I can never come to my higher self — never . I find the higher self in the innermost being of myself but also in others at the same time . In order to truly meet another person, we must not meet merely in sympathy and antipathy, but we must recognize the spiritual being of the other human being . We must have an interest in doing this, and each of us must take a few steps in this direction .
There is a great meditation recommended by Rudolf Steiner that can help us . Make a picture of another human being in your inner consciousness . Not just one picture but also a second and a third, each one in a quite different way . In the first picture we must embrace all that we recognize of this person . We must try to make a portrait, a painting, or a picture of this human being . We should finish this picture in all its details, as much as we can . Of course, it will not be perfect, but we must bring all that we can together and create a picture . Now, a picture, a portrait, is never identical with the spiritual being who is the subject of this portrait . It may be a good portrait of the spiritual being, but still it is a picture . Now that I have this portrait, I can say to myself: I have a picture of this spiritual being, I do not, of course, have the spiritual being itself . This is the first picture .
Now you can ask how it is possible to make a second picture when you have taken all that you know and made it into one finished picture . The second picture ought to be quite different . This first portrait must be finished . The second cannot be finished, not finished at all . It is always being painted . If I dive into this second picture, then I will make a very astonishing discovery . There exists in every human being a tendency, like a heavy gravity or pull, to stick with the first picture . I feel that I know this person, who he is, and that my picture of him is finished . When he comes through the door, I already know who he is . But I can never know just what he is thinking now, or just what he is feeling . I can only know what I experienced yesterday . Only yesterday is fixed .
For example, yesterday I had a strong conflict, an argument with another person, and I discovered that she was lying . My picture of this is terrible and it is finished . The next morning the door opens, and this “liar” comes into the room . At first, when I speak to her, I do not speak to her but to my picture of her, my finished picture from yesterday . Ghost-like, unreal, unfinished pictures may be true, they may be untrue . But while I speak to the picture, there is a human being standing before me who, in the meantime, has discovered that she was lying and has regretted it very much, and she is now trying to go beyond it . This is all possible . I do not know . My second picture of a person must develop every moment, every second . It is never finished . If I compare the two pictures I have made within myself of each of the other teachers in the faculty, I will discover how heavy, what gravity there is in the first picture . This picture is not wrong . We must make this first picture . We must include our experiences exactly as they have happened . But we must not stay with the first picture but be open to the next, the second picture, in order to see what is happening now .
Then we come to the much more difficult third picture . This picture will be painted in the future . If I have one picture formed from my experience and a second created in the moment, I still do not know what will come of this human being in his next incarnation . We do not even know what will become of him the next day, not even tomorrow . We cannot yet know . In every human being, there is a great, unknown future . A very great, unknown future lies within this spiritual being . If I am oblivious to this and hold only to the first picture, in reality I am only looking at the past . In the second I am open to what is happening in the moment . The third is just as necessary . We must also concern ourselves with the future of the children in our classes . I have pictures of them garnered from many experiences, and I must be open to what is going on in the moment, and I must ask what will become of this child when he is grown and when he is reincarnated . I must leave this question open and carry it in my consciousness .
Rudolf Steiner recommended another exercise, one that is done by picturing the physical body . First, one pictures to oneself the head as it is composed of finished forms . The second picture should be made of the lungs and heart, which are never finished but are changing at every moment . When we look at the limbs, which are the focus of the third picture, what is significant is not their particular forms, for example, the form of the fingers . What is significant is also not, as it is with the heart and lung, the activity within them . What is significant is what a person does with his fingers, what he will do in the future . Thus the physical body can only be conceived by forming three different pictures in three different ways . This is also true when we try to conceive the whole existence of another human being . When we
approach other people in this threefold way, in carrying out these exercises, we begin the great task of building a higher level of community within the teachers’ meeting from which may flow a great stream of courage into the whole life of the school .
We must now go into details of the life of the teachers’ meeting . We will look at what happens, what qualities must be found there, and some of the dangers there . We need to deal with the difference between the faculty and the college and ask wherein lies the difference and whether there must be a difference . Also, we must ask how the college of teachers works together with the parents and how the parents in the school community deal with what goes on in the whole school . Can the school community develop as a living entity, can it be a spiritual organ with its own biography that develops through different phases? Then there is the much deeper question of how this school community, with its individual biography, lives within society as a whole in the present time . How is the Spirit of our Time living within the school community? This last question will be the theme of our last lecture tomorrow .
Download here Excerpt-from-Chapter-Three-Jorgen-Smit
Review and Comments on “Collaborative Leadership”, an article by Arnoud DeMeyer of Cambridge, UK, about the trends affecting modern day organizations and the need for collaboration.
2 CommentsReview and Comments on “Collaborative Leadership”, an article by Arnoud DeMeyer of Cambridge, UK, about the trends affecting modern day organizations and the need for collaboration.
Review and comments (in blue) by Michael Soule. LeadTogether2014
This article by Arnoud DeMeyer from 2009 provides readers a deeper understanding of the trends in business and culture that are affecting the need for collaborative work in organizations. While the article is focused at a global scale, the insights De Meyer’s shares are relevant to our school movement. His introduction could easily be a description of the new qualities we need in school leadership. In the article, he also warns that the current definitions and literature about leadership are often conflicting or incoherent and popular approaches to how to prepare the coming generation of leaders (in our case young teachers) are inadequate. De Meyer points to the need to help young leaders develop new capacities for meeting and adapting to change. And while this premise is not new, he proposes that developing skills and competencies for collaboration are essential if our institutions are going to survive and thrive.
Leadership is often defined as the capability to successfully manage change in organizations. The way one manages change is to some extent contextual and influenced by the environment. The environment our future leaders have to operate in is quite different from what we were used to in the previous decade. Leadership styles therefore need adaptation. ADM
De Meyer outlines 8 major shifts in culture that he believes are central to the need for new collaborative leadership. These are below with notes from me about their relevance to work in our schools:
What is changing in our environment?
De Meyer posits that the environment in which we need to innovate and implement change has changed dramatically. He attributes the changes to the following eight megatrends: (The trends are his, the comments are mine.)
1. Globalization
As the world is becoming more and more diverse, our communities, our schools and ideas about education and schooling are also becoming ever more diverse. This requires us to have more strategies for dealing with diverse needs and ideas, not only from our children and parents but also from our colleagues and staff.
2. Fragmentation of the value chain (in school terms: More groups and volunteers taking on important tasks in the operation of the school)
It is not a matter of getting committees to do what the faculty or board dictates but letting smaller groups have more autonomy. This requires a greater degree than ever of values sharing and agreement. The more we use volunteers in important roles, the more orientation is needed. The more groups in the school, the more communication and alignment are needed. Every time we form a new group or accept a new child and family or hire a new teacher additional alignment is needed.
3. More knowledge workers (more specialists than generalists)
EC, Grade and HS teachers are drifting further apart as they become specialists in their pedagogical areas. This presents increasing challenges for creating a sense of the whole. The school begins to operate more in parts and more and more energy is needed to keep the whole focused on a singular goal.
4. The increasing demands (and skepticism) of society (of Parents)
Changing family demographics (more families with only one child, more older parents, more single parents, more parental pressure on children to succeed) requires teachers not only to be good pedagogical masters but also to be well versed on the vast array of new educational ideas and communication tools to deal with more involved and demanding parents.
We are coming out of a period in which teachers and schools were revered more than they are today. In the future, our teachers will increasingly need to justify their approach and actions to increasingly skeptical parents. Adult education about the education will be increasingly important.
5. Dispersion of the sources of knowledge and innovation
In the future, more and more people will know more and more about the pedagogy and the operation of the school. At the same time, schools will have faculties where the knowledge and experience base is more dispersed among colleagues. The cohesion of the central group and its capacity to involve wider and wider circles will be more and more essential.
6. Changes in the structure of multinationals (from pyramidal to collections of networks)
The challenge of having more administrative staff, educational support staff, cooperative groups, committees and networks in the school will require more attention to communication. Intergroup collaboration will become more and more important.
7. Increased importance of risk management (considering the dynamics of actions and looking ahead)
In a non-hierarchical organization, the management of risks requires a lot of attention. As decision-making is more distributed, the small effects of minor mess-ups in different realms, for whatever reason, will undermine the trust that is essential for community building. We all will be tasked to listen more acutely and respond more quickly to people’s reactions to small mistakes.
8. The increase of social networking and information overload
The challenges of managing the school are greatly increasing by the demand for more and more, quicker and quicker information by parents about what is happening with their children and in the school as a whole. This, plus the proliferation of the Internet, email and texting capabilities -- and the subsequent weakened personal connection -- will be important challenges. We already know that more emails easily leads to weaker personal connections.
The new collaborative leader (in our terms, collegial leader)
DE Meyer’s trends are general and interrelated but they can easily be seen to be active in our schools. Because Waldorf schools have been practicing collaborative operation longer than most organizations, we already have incorporated a lot of innovative and creative solutions. We have trained ourselves gradually through practice. Our schools continue to be works in progress. Therefore, by recognizing these challenges brought by emerging trends can help us understand when our actions are not successful.
DE Meyer’s goes on to write about the four areas that he believes are necessary for every individual to work on to meet these trends and practices that could help.
Influencing (What I would call Reality and Insight based decisioning)
Adaptability (Embracing and working with ambiguity)
Getting the right mindset (having the right imagination)
It is about understanding that others have capabilities and are prepared to share these with you in order to achieve change and innovation. It is learning how to work on an equal basis with others. It is about being prepared to make the investments in relationships. It requires being prepared to recognize peers’ contribution. By good communication practices and value alignment, people can grow to appreciate that one can accomplish much more in a collaborative environment than alone.
Reducing transaction costs (managing the amount of time energy needed to work out of collaboration)
In the long run, collaboration, like consensus saves time and energy, but in the process one must be willing to appreciate the ways in which slower processes facilitate the building of stronger community and more overall value throughout the organization.
Working beyond the borders of the organization (continually building the relationship between the organization and the community)
Building consensus (inclusive advancement)
One of the risks of a more collaborative organization is that values begin to decrease towards the least common denominator and overall the organization loses vitality. It is essential that paths be found to renew the highest values of a school.
5. Ability to network
Everyone involved in the organization will be called upon to become more social in the process. Our schools already have a very social model, but it will be important that the social working within groups and between groups is genuine and regularly renewed.
6. Managing polarities
Real collaborative work requires a new emphasis on embracing differences and identifying, understanding and embracing polarities. (Work / life, parent as partner/consumer, school as business/cultural endeavor)
About the author
Arnoud DE MEYER is the President of Singapore Management University. Previously Professor of Management Studies at the University of Cambridge (UK) and Director of Judge Business School. He was also a visiting professor at the Universities of Kiel (Germany), Ghent and Antwerp (Belgium) and Waseda and Keio University (Japan).
Find the original article here Collaborative Leadership A D 2009 final
The Conductor less Orchestra, H Seifter
Tapping into the unique skills of knowledge workers requires leaders to adopt new ways of thinking and to apply new models of organization to the workplace. According to Harvard business professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter in Executive Excellence, "Your structures should be very loose and very flexible: less hierarchy, more opportunity for people to play many different roles. Sometimes you may be a team leader, and at other times you may be a team member. Also, be very flexible with respect to titles, and very fluid in terms of moving people from project to project, depending on the requirements. And be very project oriented, rather than fixed-job oriented."Knowledge workers are not limited to the world of high-tech, New Economy business. They are found in every industry and every business and, as Peter Drucker has pointed out, in some surprising places -- including symphony orchestras. And one orchestra in particular -- New York City-based Orpheus Chamber Orchestra -- has become a model for Kanter's new kind of loose and flexible organization.Orpheus Chamber Orchestra
Orpheus Chamber Orchestra is an orchestra with a difference: it has no conductor. The group was founded in 1972 by cellist Julian Fifer and a small group of like-minded musicians with the goal of bringing the chamber music ideals of democracy, personal involvement, and mutual respect into an orchestral setting. In an interview with Ron Lieber in Fast Company (May 2000, p. 286), Fifer stated, "I loved chamber music's clarity of sound and flexibility of temperament. I wanted to bring that camaraderie and spirit into a larger setting. And in order for everyone to be able to communicate more effectively, it seemed necessary to do without a conductor." Orpheus, widely considered to be one of the world's great orchestras, comprises 27 permanent members -- employees who cannot be fired -- and a number of substitute players who fill in where necessary, as well as a board of trustees and administrative management. In most orchestras, the conductor directly supervises each musician; the conductor not only decides what music will be played but how it will be played as well. There is little room for the opinions or suggestions of the musicians themselves; such input is rarely solicited and even less often welcomed. Like workers reporting to an autocratic manager, orchestral musicians are expected to unquestioningly follow the direction of the conductor -- anything less invites humiliation before one's colleagues and may be grounds for immediate dismissal. As a result, orchestral musicians are a notoriously unhappy class of employees. Paul Judy reports that when Harvard Business School professor J. Richard Hackman studied job attitudes among people working in 13 different job groups, he discovered that symphony orchestra musicians ranked below prison guards in job satisfaction. Further, when asked about their satisfaction with opportunities for career growth, symphony orchestra musicians fared even worse, ranking 9th out of the 13 surveyed job categories. Clearly, although the results of an orchestral performance can be exceptionally uplifting, the means of attaining these results are often anything but uplifting to those whose job it is to achieve them. In place of the traditional fixed leadership position of conductor, Orpheus has developed a unique system of collaborative leadership that invites every member of the orchestra to participate in leadership positions, either leading the group in rehearsal and performance as concertmaster, or by leading one of the orchestra's many different formal or informal teams. This system is extremely flexible -- musicians freely move in and out of positions of leadership -- and it can be used to quickly adapt to changing conditions in the marketplace or within the group itself. This free flow of leadership positions within the group encourages all the members of the orchestra to give their personal best performance. Cellist Eric Bartlett says, "When there's an important concert, everybody feels it, and everybody goes into it doing their absolute best work, giving it their utmost concentration, playing off of each other, and making sparks fly. For the most part, in a conducted orchestra, you play a more passive role. Not only is less expected of you, but less is expected from you. You have to play extremely well, but you're not playing off of your colleagues -- you're playing off of that one person in front of the orchestra holding the baton. I don't see that people in regular orchestras are emotionally involved in the same way. Everybody plays well, they do a very good job, but the level of individual emotional involvement isn't there." With no conductor to act as a filter to the what and the why behind the group's decisions, the members of Orpheus are uncommonly energized and responsive to the needs of the organization and to the desires of its leaders. Turnover is extremely low and employee loyalty is extremely high. The result is a better product, increased customer satisfaction, and a healthier bottom line. Principles of Orpheus Leadership Orpheus Chamber Orchestra has labeled its system of collaborative leadership the "Orpheus Process." While the process is not without its difficulties -- getting 27 talented and strong-willed people to agree to anything can often be a very real challenge -- it has served the group well over the past three decades and it continues to evolve to meet the needs of the orchestra and its customers: the listening public. This process, detailed in the accompanying sidebar, is built on a foundation of eight principles: 1. Put power in the hands of the people doing the work. In recent years, company leaders have heard a common refrain: organizations that empower their workers with true authority and responsibility can expect better products and services, more satisfied customers, and increased revenue and profits. Unfortunately, the reality of the situation is that many managers have been slow to give up power, in many cases withholding it altogether. According to a Gallup poll of 1,200 U.S. workers, while 66 percent of respondents reported that their managers asked them to get involved in decision making within their organizations, only 14 percent of these same workers reported that they felt they had actually been given real authority. According to double-bass player Don Palma, a member since the group's founding in 1972, the difference between working in Orpheus and working in a traditional orchestra is dramatic. Says Palma, "I took one year off from Orpheus at the very beginning and went to the Los Angeles Philharmonic. I just hated it. I didn't like to be told what to do all the time, being treated like I wasn't really worth anything other than to be a good soldier and just sit there and do as I was told. I felt powerless to affect things, particularly when they were not going well. I felt frustrated, and there was nothing I could seem to do to help make things better. Orpheus keeps me involved. I have some measure of participation in the direction the music is going to take. I think that's why a lot of us have stayed involved for so long." Unlike most orchestras, whose conductors wield full and unquestioned authority over the musicians playing under their baton, Orpheus musicians decide for themselves who will lead the group, how a piece of music will be played, who will be invited to join their ranks, and who will represent them on the board of trustees and within management. The group's administrators do not impose their vision on the musicians, and disagreements that cannot be resolved through Orpheus's regular process of discussion and consensus-building are ultimately settled by a vote of all of the members of the orchestra. 2. Encourage individual responsibility for product and quality. Because Orpheus has no conductor and therefore no single person to take responsibility for the quality of its performances, each member of the orchestra feels a very real and personal responsibility for the group's outcomes. Orpheus gives every individual the opportunity to lead, but it also creates an imperative that everyone pull together. Instead of focusing solely on perfecting their own approach to performance, each musician takes a personal interest in perfecting the performances of their colleagues and the overall sound of the orchestra. It is therefore not uncommon for a violinist to comment on the playing of a flutist, or the timpani player to comment on a cellist's approach to phrasing or bowing. In a regular, conducted orchestra, not only would such crossing of organizational lines be unwelcome, it would be unthinkable. 3. Create clarity of roles. While leadership within Orpheus is not fixed with any one particular person or position, the organization's members have clear roles in addition to their jobs as musicians, administrators, or members of the board of trustees. For each piece of music, for example, the musicians elect one person to serve as concertmaster, the person appointed to lead the group in rehearsal and performance. Some members of the orchestra serve on the board, others represent the musicians within the group's administration, and still others participate in formal and informal teams. All roles are communicated widely throughout the organization. 4. Foster horizontal teamwork. Says Peter Drucker, "No knowledge ranks higher than another; each is judged by its contribution to the common task rather than by any inherent superiority or inferiority. Therefore, the modern organization cannot be an organization of boss and subordinate. It must be organized as a team." Because no one person has all the answers to every question that may arise within the orchestra, Orpheus relies on horizontal teams -- both formal and informal -- to tap the expertise of all of its members. These teams are horizontal because members are not artificially limited to focusing their attention on only very narrow issues or opportunities; members of teams within Orpheus naturally reach across organizational boundaries to obtain input, act on opportunities, solve problems, or make decisions. Says violinist Martha Caplin, "We're all specialists, that's the beginning of the discussion. When I talk to another performer or another musician in the group, it's on an equal level. It's absolutely crucial that we all have that attitude." Leaders should be aware that not every team is an effective team, and they must work to ensure that the members of teams take positive steps to ensure their own effectiveness. John Lubans, deputy university librarian at Duke University, has studied Orpheus's workings, and in a report published in the Duke University Libraries Information Bulletin in 1997, he cites a variety of reasons for why teamwork is effective within the group. He notes that the purpose and mission for the team are clear and understood by each team member; members' team roles are stated, agreed upon, and understood; all members work an equal amount doing real work in the team; members pay attention to how they work together; outcomes drive the purpose of the team; deadlines are stated and respected; teams receive demonstrable support; teams are accountable to the organization and its leaders; and each team knows its interdependence with other teams and does everything to support those other teams. These rules are valid for any team, not just those within Orpheus. 5. Share and rotate leadership In most organizations leadership is fixed, that is, leadership authority is formally vested in certain positions and not in others. Managers are by definition leaders and workers are expected to be followers. The higher up the organization chart an individual's position resides, the more power he or she wields. Fixing leadership in positions rather than in people wastes the leadership potential within employees whose positions are not a part of the organization's formal leadership hierarchy. This potential is often ignored or discarded, and occasionally punished. Sharing and rotating leadership among all the orchestra's musicians is the heart and soul of the Orpheus Process. While most orchestras fix leadership authority within one particular position, the conductor, Orpheus takes a different approach. Whenever the orchestra decides to take on a new piece of music, the group appoints one of its members to lead the development of the piece. The leader is selected on the basis of what skills and knowledge he or she brings to the piece -- someone who is expert in baroque music will be selected to lead a Handel selection, someone who is particularly knowledgeable about twentieth century composers will take on a Stravinsky piece. In this way, leadership is shared and rotated among the different members of the group, and the strengths of individual members of the group are brought to the fore. 6. Learn to listen, learn to talk. The members of Orpheus know the power of communication, and it is the lifeblood of the organization. Not only are members expected to listen to one another's views and opinions, and to respect what is said and the person who said it -- whether or not they agree with what is being said -- members are also expected to talk. But there is a right time and a wrong time to talk. According to Orpheus violinist Eriko Sato, "Fundamentally, I don't think everybody's opinion should be addressed at all times. There are certain places and times for certain things to be said -- the appropriate moment. Everybody knows what's wrong, everybody can feel what's wrong -- but do you have a solution? Do you know how to solve a problem?" No topic is considered out of bounds for the members of the group, and constructive criticism is always welcome. This freedom of expression is surprising when one realizes that orchestral musicians are trained from an early age specifically not to offer their opinions to the group and instead to defer to the direction of the conductor. Few conductors welcome the suggestions of the musicians working under their baton, most actively discourage them. In Orpheus, two-way communication is expected, fostered, and reinforced almost constantly. 7. Seek consensus (and build creative systems that favor consensus). As an increasing number and variety of employees become involved in their organizations' decision-making processes, and as organizations become less autocratic and more democratic, achieving consensus on decisions becomes more important. Consensus, which derives from the Latin word for "shared thought," requires a high level of participation and trust among the members of an organization. Employees must be willing to listen to the views of others and to be flexible and willing to compromise on their own positions. Traditionally, as the importance of a decision increases, the number of people involved in it decreases in direct proportion. An organization's most important decisions are most often made by its top management team, usually without input from line workers. This is most certainly not the case in Orpheus Chamber Orchestra. In Orpheus, the more important the decision to the organization, the more people are involved in it. But involving more people in the process doesn't dilute the final result, it strengthens it. Violinist Ronnie Bauch is quoted in Christopher Hoenig's The Problem Solving Journey saying, "What you get isn't a watered-down, middle-of-the-road kind of interpretation which you could easily imagine -- you know, General Motors decides to interpret music -- but you get interpretations of extraordinary originality." In an organization such as Orpheus where positional power is minimal, and where leadership is not fixed, the ability of leaders to build consensus and to convince others to support their opinions is paramount. Without consensus, little can be accomplished in the organization. 8. Dedicate passionately to your mission. Passion is the spark that can make an ordinary organization great -- and a great organization truly exceptional. When employees are passionate about the jobs they do, the organizations they work for, and the customers they serve, there is little that they cannot accomplish. This passion, however, sometimes boils over, causing more than a few arguments and heated exchanges. According to violist Nardo Poy in The Problem Solving Journey, "There are times in rehearsal, because of the way we work, the intensity, the directness, often we do get pretty emotional, angry at each other. And yet, when our rehearsal is over, that's pretty much it, for the most part it's over. Either right after rehearsal or the next day, you're still friends." Because musicians in Orpheus feel free to express themselves with one another, resentments and feuds rarely have an opportunity to develop. This results in an environment where all the members of the organization are focused on one thing: producing the very best product possible. A measure of the passion that Orpheus's members feel for their organization is the fact that although the majority of them also play for other groups, including the New York Philharmonic and the Metropolitan Opera, and teach at schools such as Juilliard and the Manhattan School of Music, they consider playing for Orpheus to be their most fulfilling musical experience. By removing the position of conductor from the organization, New York City-based Orpheus Chamber Orchestra has unleashed an incredible amount of leadership from its members. While the organization and its structures keep evolving, this Grammy-award-winning group continues to perform at the top of its game -- a level of excellence that few other orchestras can approach. And, as long as Orpheus relies on its own members to guide and energize the group, it's likely that this will be the case for many years to come. Quotations from musicians come from Leadership Ensemble, by Harvey Seifter and Peter Economy (Henry Holt & Company, 2001), except where otherwise noted. |
The Orpheus Process
The Orpheus Process translates the communal creativity of a small, four-piece chamber music group -- where each musician has an equal voice in determining how a piece of music will be played -- into the much larger and more complex setting of an orchestra. The Orpheus Process comprises five key elements:
- Choosing Leaders. For each piece of music Orpheus performs, a committee of musicians chosen by orchestra members selects a concertmaster, the first-chair violinist. The orchestra's members also select a leadership team of five to seven players, called the core. In Orpheus, the concertmaster anchors the core, leads performances, and works closely with all the musicians to develop a unified vision for the music. Each instrumental section (cello, oboe, and so on) selects individuals to represent it within the core.
- Developing Strategies. Before a piece of music is taken to the full orchestra, the core meets to decide how it will be played. The goal: developing an overall interpretive approach to the music. The core accomplishes this goal through rehearsals where many different approaches can be tried in a streamlined fashion.
- Developing the Product. After the core is satisfied with its chosen approach to the piece, it is taken to the full orchestra to be rehearsed and refined even further. Musicians from throughout the orchestra make suggestions to improve the piece and critique the playing of their colleagues. When disagreements arise, as they do in any organization, the orchestra members work to reach consensus. If consensus cannot be reached within a reasonable period of time, then a vote is taken and the issue is settled.
- Perfecting the Product. Immediately before every concert, one or two members of the orchestra are selected to go out into the hall and listen to the group as the audience will hear it. These musicians report back to the entire group and suggest final adjustments and refinements based on the actual sound of the full orchestra.
- Delivering the Product. The final step is performance, the ultimate result of the Orpheus Process. The Orpheus Process does not end here, however. After every concert, participants informally discuss their impressions of the performance and make suggestions for further adjustments and refinements -- all with an eye to improving subsequent performances of the piece.
Seifter, Harvey "The Conductor-less Orchestra" Leader to Leader. 21 (Summer 2001): 38-44.
Copyright © 2001 by Harvey Seifter. Reprinted with permission from Leader to Leader, a publication of the Leader to Leader Institute and Jossey-Bass.
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