Entries by Michael Soulé

Working Together Digitally and Staying Whole

Working Together Digitally and Staying Whole by Michael Soule   Almost overnight, there has been a significant shift towards the use of screen technology as a primary means of communication. While this technology is not new, social distancing has brought us into a new level of dependency on it. As a consequence, many people are […]

Love, Power and Wisdom

This article about the balance between power, wisdom, and love is especially relevant in this season and at this time in the world. While Steiner's terminology is fairly esoteric (he gives names to spiritual beings behind the impulses of love, power, and wisdom), the essential ideas illuminate how in this age we are given the […]

The Art of Facilitation Newsletter, Intro

Leading with Spirit Facilitating Meetings Waldorf schools, like many modern organizations, have a culture of collaboration in which much of the work, decision making and planning happens in meetings. How these meetings are planned, prepared for, conducted and followed are essential to the ability of the coworkers to get things done, learn as they go […]

Love and its Meaning in the World, A lecture by Rudolf Steiner, Dec 1912

INTRODUCTORY REMARKS The following lecture was given by Rudolf Steiner to an audience familiar with the general background of his anthroposophical teachings. He constantly emphasized the distinction between his written works and reports of lectures which were given as oral communications and were not originally intended for print. It should also be remembered that certain […]

The Threefold Social Organism and Collaborative Leadership, a lecture by Jessica Ziegler

Threefold Social Organism in Organizations: The Responsibilities of Collaborative Leadership Jessica Heffernan Ziegler 2017 AWSNA Conference June 27, 2017 What I would like to do this morning is offer a framework for understanding and working collaboratively within our organizations. I will not be proposing any specific leadership model or structure per se – each school […]

New Impulses in Waldorf School Administration, Leadership and Governance, M Soule and M Stewart

Leading with Spirit Sensing a new impulse in leadership and governance of Waldorf Schools We are entering a new phase in the development of Waldorf education in North America: the relationship between the administrative work and the pedagogical work of the school is changing. We can see the signs that the old imagination of what […]

Highlight 2, 8-25-2014 The Phases of Development in Spiritual Organizations

Dear Colleagues What are the natural developmental phases of spiritually based communities and organizations? Bernard Lievegoed, one of the leaders of organizational development work and long-time Director of the Anthroposophical Training Organization, NPI, in Holland, wrote “ The Developing Organization" in 1973. In 1988 he offered a new booklet to clarify his thoughts about the […]