Entries by Michael Soulé

Highlights: an Introduction Aug 18, 2014

Dear Colleagues, We are celebrating our fifth month of LeadTogether and appreciate the positive responses we have had so far. We will be introducing a new feature this month called, Highlights, a short update of new postings, resources, training opportunities and news from organizations and schools around the world related to collaboration, leadership and organizational […]

Sustainability: Associative Economics

1. Associative Economics  The idea behind associative economics arose from the work and insights of Rudolf Steiner in 1922 through his work with the first Waldorf School, and in a series of lectures on economics. Steiner’s visionary capacity brought to light a new imagination about economic life and money; that consciousness applied to the nature […]

The Basics of Consensus Decision-Making by Tim Hartnett, PhD

The Basics of Consensus Decision-Making by Tim Hartnett, PhD http://www.GroupFacilitation.net The Principles of Consensus Decision Making Consensus decision making is a process used by groups seeking to generate widespread levels of participation and agreement. There are variations among different groups regarding the degree of agreement necessary to finalize a group decision. The process of group […]


Meeting ...there is what happens to the speaker when he is fortunate to be listened to perceptively.  Another kind of miracle takes place in him, perhaps best described as a springtime burgeoning.  Before his idea was expressed to a listener, it lived in his soul as potential only; it resembles a seed force lying fallow […]

Working Together to Improve Meetings

Creating Effective Meetings – Results of a group exploration of how to make better meetings. This chart was developed years ago by a group of colleagues working on the question of how to become more conscious of the dynamics of their meetings. The process of discussing these aspects of meetings and identifying some agreements helped […]

The Art of Planning and Preparing for Meetings

The Art of Planning and Preparing for Meetings There are three kinds of meetings – social encounters, meetings to study and learn something, and meetings where people come together to accomplish a task. Each of these kinds of meetings has its own character, but some of the dynamics of each are present in every meeting. […]

The Art of Creating an Agenda

The Art of Creating an Agenda When teachers create lesson plans, they naturally consider the rhythm of the day, the students’ capacities and their goals for the students’ growth and development. A good teacher is conscious of every little detail and aspect of the lesson. The consciousness put into planning helps the students relax, know […]

Working Together

We take a mystery of life for granted, the mystery of conversation. Reflect on how an impression in your consciousness—“the beauty of a San Francisco spring morning with the fog blowing offthe Bay”— is translated into concepts and then into audible speech, involving all the complex muscles of the throat and mouth.Your friend hears these words through the membrane of the ear and understands them, internalizes your thought and then speaks.