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  • #2352
    Michael Soulé

    Dear Colleagues,

    We are celebrating our fifth month of LeadTogether and appreciate the positive responses we have had so far. We will be introducing a new feature this month called, Highlights, a short update of new postings, resources, training opportunities and news from organizations and schools around the world related to collaboration, leadership and organizational development. Highlights will be sent to your email address and will provide links to the LeadTogether site as well as be posted on the website.

    And whether the name reminds you of the streaks in your friend’s hairdo, the many things you have marked that you thought important in books you have read, or the children’s magazine we used to read when we were young, it is really much the same – small illuminated aspects of the human experience.

    We hope you find it a useful tool.

    In service,

    Michael Soule


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