Meeting the Financial Crisis, AWSNA

This is a series of articles provided by AWSNA to schools to help them understand and navigate the economic downturn in the last decade.

Articles On Finance


Avoiding Financial Choking in A Waldorf School.pdf

Canadian School Finance Cover Letter.pdf

David Whyte A fire Inside Essay.pdf

FINAL - Claus - Financial long-term planning Nov 2008.pdf

Opportunity Knocks--The Present Economic Challenge ws _97_.pdf

WECAN Resources for EC

WECAN Resources

Part of WECAN’s mission is to provide resources for Waldorf early childhood educators and for others who draw inspiration from the work of Rudolf Steiner in their work with young children. In addition to our Gateways newsletter and the books we publish and distribute through our online bookstore, we gather current research and articles of interest along with maintaining a bibliography of classic works.

Download WECAN Books 2013 Catalog (PDF)

Download Healthy Organizational Practices Online Resource Part I (PDF)

Download Healthy Organizational Practices Online Resource Part II (PDF)

Governance, Effective Practices, AWSNA

Effective Practices : Governance


Click on the topics below to go to the Effective Practices Report

Governance -- A Definition
1. Board of Trustees
2. Pedagogical Decision Making
3. Administrative or Rights Realm
4. Brotherhood
5. Operational Coordination
6. Decision Making Processes
Reflections on Governance

Mentoring and Professional Development, Effective Practices, AWSNA

Effective Practices : Mentoring


1. The Mentoring Program
2. Mentor Qualifications and Scheduling
3. Oversight and Review of the Mentoring Program
4. Evaluations and Mentoring
5. Personal Development and Enrichment

Mentoring and Professional Development: An Introduction

The topic of Mentoring and Professional Development is covered in a general way in the Human Resources portion of Effective Practices, Section 4. In this section we have documented in a more detailed way the excellent practices being used in Waldorf Schools in North America.

Two excellent books are available on this topic:

  • WORKING TOGETHER: An Introduction to Pedagogical Mentoring in Waldorf Schools, AWSNA Publications
  • Mentoring in Waldorf Early Childhood Education, WECAN Publications

The books may be ordered from AWSNA Publications by visiting the Why Waldorf Works web site ( Click on Books and More to order these and other books about Waldorf Education.

Schools wishing to review the effectiveness of their mentoring and professional development program will find the Mentoring Program Assessment Form of particular value. This tool was developed by the Sound Circle Center for Arts and Anthroposophy as a part of their 3-year mentoring seminar for schools in the Northwest. (See:Mentoring Program Assessment Form (doc))

Pedagogy, Effective Practices, AWSNA

Effective Practices : Pedagogy


1. Class Size
2. Record Keeping in the Classroom
3. Partnerships with Health Care and Other Professionals
4. Department Heads (Role, Responsibility and Authority)
5. Discipline and Classroom Codes of Conduct
6. Class Schedules - The Rhythm of the Day and Week
7. Classroom Chores
8. Community Service
9. Main Lesson Books

Pedagogical Operations, Effective Practices, AWSNA

Effective Practices : Pedagogical Operations


1. Annual Events
2. Extended Student Absence
3. Field Trips
4. End of Year Classroom Changes
5. Classroom Supplies
6. Pedagogical Resource Development
7. Substitution
8. School Library

School Operations, Effective Practices, AWSNA

Effective Practices : School Operations


1. Emergency Preparedness
2. Facilities Management
3. School Security
4. Facilities Use
5. Database Structure and Information Management Systems
6. Telecommunications


Community Life, Effective Practices, AWSNA

Effective Practices : Community Life


1. Annual Meetings and Events
2. Communication with the School Community
3. Calendars and the Rhythm of the Year
4. Conflict Resolution
5. Committee and Task Group Activity
6. Meeting Culture

Finances, Effective Practices, AWSNA

Effective Practices : Finances


1. Budget Development and Connection to the Strategic Plan
2. Billing and Collecting
3. Accounts Payable
4. After Care Billing
5. Capital Planning and Fund Management
6. Tuition Protection Plans
7. Tuition Contracts