Entries by Michael Soulé

Consensus Summary, Seeds of Change

  Short Guide to Consensus Decision Making Seeds of Change   This 8-page booklet is a very readable summary (with lots of charts and graphics) describing the consensus process. This, and its longer version below, would be helpful basic reading for any group. -Lted Get pdf here   Consensus Brief Summary- Seeds of Change

Consensus Briefing, Seeds of Change

  Consensus Decision Making Seeds of Change   This 24-page booklet goes more into depth about the background tools and practice of consensus decision making. It is a very helpful study for anyone in a position leading a group through consensus decisions. It offers sound experienced advice for consensus leaders along with troubleshooting tips.–LTed Get […]

On Conflict and Consensus, by LT Butler and Amy Rothstein

On Conflict and Consensus: A handbook on Formal Consensus decision-making CT Lawrence Butler and Amy Rothstein This little booklet (63pp) is the one definitive guide to Consensus decision-making. It has chapters on conflict, decision-making, roles, evaluation, techniques, and a good intro chapter on the advantages of consensus. -LTed   See the document here     […]

Learning in Organizations – theory and practice

 In recent years there has been a lot of talk of ‘organizational learning’. Here we explore the theory and practice of such learning via pages in the encyclopaedia of informal education. We examine some key theorists and themes, and ask whether organizations can learn? contents: introduction · learning · learning in organizations –experiential learning – single- and double-loop learning –informal learning – distributed cognition – communities of practice · can […]

Sociocracy, a creative approach to organizational development

Sociocratic Principles & Methods  From SOCIONET, the website of the Association for Sociocracy                                JUNE 13, 2010 What is Sociocracy? Sociocracy is a method of governing organizations that produces greater commitment, higher levels of creativity, distributed leadership, deeper harmony, and dramatically […]

Theory U: two views on the work of Otto Scharmer

An introduction to Theory U and Presencing from the book Partnerships of Hope by Chris Schaefer Because of its strong future orientation, similar to that of Appreciative Inquiry, I would next mention Klaus Otto Scharmer’s Theory U .  Scharmer encourages us to “learn from a future that has not yet happened and from continually discovering our part […]

Organizations as Living Organisms by Magda Lissau

By Magda Lissau, from her book, OCTAVE: Essays on Waldorf Education Published by AWSNA Introduction: Developing a Seven-Fold View In this essay I would like to develop a view of Waldorf schools and other organizations that honor the reality of human individuals as beings of body, soul, and spirit. I must make it clear that […]

The Living and Learning Organization – May Focus

“We shape our buildings. Thereafter they shape us.” This is equally true of organizational structures. We create our organizations out of our vision, values and relationships, and thereafter, they shape us in our development. So how does one work within an organization to create and sustain healthy development? A first step in understanding this process requires developing an imagination about living organizations.

Basic Principles of a Living Organization

There are two major challenges to the ongoing creative activity of an evolving organization.  These two challenges are similar to the two elements we must deal with in managing our individual lives. We must deal within each moment and each day with what is living, growing and evolving immediately before us and widely around us. […]

Phases of School Development

Ch. 2 from Partnerships of Hope, Building Waldorf School Communities by Christopher Schaefer Underlying this description of the life cycle of Waldorf schools are a number of principles.  The first is that all institutions are human creations; they are created by people with an idea in response to a perceived need.  In the case of […]