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And Who Shall Teach the Teachers? A compilation by the Pedagogical Section Council published by AWSNA Publications

This booklet was produced by the Pedagogical Section Council to explore the deeper aspects of the work of a teacher and from where they get their inspiration and continued source of strength. Each article is helpful in bringing insight into what Steiner saw as the source of the teacher's work. Contents

Introduction..........Douglas Gerwin

The Work of the Christ Impulse in the Work of the Waldorf Teacher....Roberto Trostli

"Only on earth can we develop the capacities of human thinking, human feeling, and human willing. A human being who develops these capacities will be capable of fulfilling the three major challenges of human existence: to know oneself, to love one another, and to care for the earth. The capacities to meet these challenges can be learned only from other human beings. Only from others can we learn how to walk, to speak, and to think; only from them can we learn how to love and act in freedom; only from them can we learn to work together and become responsible for the earth. "

Toward Understanding the Christ and the Christ Impulse . . . . . Douglas Sloan

"The Christ Impulse is present wherever persons are working to establish the reality of freedom in love. This freedom expresses itself both as freedom from and freedom for: freedom from every form of determinism, whether it derives from the past, from nature, or from other persons; and freedom for the care of and respect for oneself, the other, the earth, and the spirit. “Education for Freedom” is another hallmark of the Christ Impulse in Waldorf education. "

How Do Teachers Transform Themselves and Come to Experience the Christ Impulse?. . . Betty Staley

The Chariot of Michael . . . . . Dorit Winter

Amicus Curiae (Friend of the Court) Brief: Anthroposophy Is Not a Religion . . . . .Douglas Sloan

And Who Shall Teach the Teachers download here

Thanks to the Waldorf Research Institute Online Waldorf Library for making this booklet available for free download. Copies of the booklet may also be purchased from AWSNA Publications.