Waldorf education has three primary challenges as it moves into the future:
To keep the education vibrant;
To maintain healthy relationships throughout the organization;
To create financial stability through creative relationships to the greater culture
The sustainability of our organizations depends upon how we face these challenges. In the same way that we need to maintain a healthy balance between our body, soul and spirit or our thinking, feeling and willing as individuals, in our organizations we need to find a healthy balance between the education, the community and the culture.
Because financial resilience and sustainability are essential to the future of our schools, we are devoting the April newsletter to this important topic.
In this newsletter you will find several articles on various aspects of financial security and sustainability. We encourage you to read them, share them with your school leaders and add your own comments and ideas in our Forum Section.
Since the beginning of Waldorf education 100 years ago, each school, depending on its size, age and location, has followed its own path to achieve its funding goals. Today, there are three basic methods used by most Waldorf school --– the cultivation of relationships with the business world, the sharing of costs with parents and the alignment with government educational systems.
Read more.